View Full Version : Feel like I'm falling apart.

14-12-11, 00:09
Hi everyone. I guess the past few weeks are taking their toll on me in so many ways. I had a tooth abcess, had to get the tooth extracted, healed well, caught a terrible cold that I'm only NOW starting to get rid of, lost my grandmother quite suddenly and suffered from extreme anxiety, like actually thought I'm going insane a few times. My anxiety has certainly improved the last few days but I'm having these symptoms.
Bone pain, still a slight cough and catarrh from the cold, upset stomach, rapid heartrate, can't concentrate, sometimes feel short of breath, twitching eyelid, and most recently, tonight my scalp started to hurt when I ran my hand through my hair. It's a sort of sharp pain when I touch the roots. Does anyone know what this is? I've been so tense and preoccupied lately, it's unbelievable. I'm hoping it's all anxiety that's causing this.
I'm just putting all of these symptoms together and coming up with illness and death. I just want to feel ok again. :(

14-12-11, 00:34
Sorry to hear about your grandmother.
It does sound like anxitey, domes when we go thru trauma our bodies go thru physical reaction. If you can maybe go speak to your gp, I think this might be a good first step. Perhaps just talking about recent events will help you. Maybe a friend or family member.
Take care, I hope you feel better soon.

14-12-11, 10:28
Thanks for the replies. :) I haven't been to a GP for about 7 or 8 years, and now I'm too scared to go incase they tell me something is seriously wrong with me! I've lost several family members over the last couple of years, including my mother, 2 aunts whom I was very close to and my gran most recently. I try to keep busy to sort of keep my mind off of it but my work was quiet for the last few weeks and I think it gave me time to sit in my flat on my own on google and come to the conclusion that I have leukemia or pneumonia or something horrific. My bone pain isn't constant, it's like little sharp pains that go away after a 2nd. I think it's due to sitting so tense all the time and shaking alot. I never had HA this bad before, it was always around vomiting because I have a phobia of that, but for some reason this has hit me for six!!