View Full Version : Fear of contracting a virus

Electric Blue
14-12-11, 10:09
Hi everyone,

Wow. I haven't been here in a while...I've had my anxiety all pretty much under control for a quite a while. Life was fantastic.
Overall I've had an amazing year...I got married in March...went to Europe in May/ June and had the most amazing holiday.

And to top off our amazing year in mid November I found out I was pregnant with our first. I was a bit anxious about the idea of giving birth, but overall I was pretty happy.

However within 2 weeks of finding out I was pregnant my life has completely turned upside down. I started to bleed, hubby and I went straight to emergency, I informed the doctor that I have O negative blood type. He orders an injection of Anti D to stop my body from producing antibodies as my husband is A positive and therefore chances are so is the baby. And if my blood is to mix with a positive blood type my body builds antibodies which attack future pregnancies. Only women who have a negative blood type require anti D if the father of the baby is a positive blood type.

I went home, everything seemed okay....the bleeding was stopping.
Until the next morning when it came back heavier and I sadly miscarried :weep:

So I am grief stricken - which is to be expected. However now I have a crippling fear of contracting a virus from the anti D injection.

Anti D is made from blood plasma from donors. And I've done so much research into Anti D and how it's made. But I am still not reassured.

Anti D has been around for roughly 40 years. And only speaking on behalf of Australia here...but not one single case of viral transmission has ever occurred. Even during the 80s HIV epidemic where tainted blood transfusions were infecting patients.

Not only that, but only a small amount of donors who are dedicated to this program of making the anti D; as only a small number of people have the blood type to make it. And of course each donation is heavily tested.

I also found that during the manufacturing process plasma is pasteurised at 60 degrees Celsius for 10 hours which is effective against viruses such as Hepatitis C, B and HIV. The product then goes through a nano filtering process to remove any viruses.

Now I know from all this I should feel at ease. But I don't. Regardless of all these steps that are taken to ensure safety of the product it still has a warning that this is a blood product and it may transmit viruses which scares the hell outta me.

I had a chat to my GP who basically said the warnings are there for legal and religious reasons (some religions are against receiving blood products) and he believes there's nothing to be concerned about.

I've always had terrible anxiety when it comes to my health. If I fear my health is being put at risk I become petrified.

However, I have to have the Anti D....if I don't I am risking the lives of my future children. So I feel trapped; I fear this product so much and I fear it even more knowing that I cannot escape it.

I usually barely eat or sleep when I get anxious. However I've actually been sleeping and eating just fine...but I do get constant panic attacks.
Even though I have been eating the weight is dropping off me pretty fast (and I am skinny enough as it is already...) I think when I'm anxious my body works over time and burns more energy causing the weight loss.

So I am now at a loss. If anyone has ever gone through a similar experience or has some advice that would be great. I've booked another appointment with my GP on the weekend; and I am going to ask for another referral to the psychologist.

14-12-11, 17:04
Hi hun! I too had a miscarriage in October and my health anxiety has been extremely bad since! I had medical management after starting to bleed and the scan showing that the fetus hadn't developed. The tablets they gave me didn't work so I had to go in for emergency surgery! It was the most difficult time of my life and I've been anemic and poorly since! I'm still suffering with the grief and I'm constantly checking for signs and symptoms of everything! I have an HIV obsession and when they started taking my blood and sticking me with needles it sent my anxiety through the roof! If you need a chat PM me xxxx much love xxx

14-12-11, 17:40
I suffered exactly the same as you last Novemeber and I think that it was because my partner has positive blood and I have O negative. I had the Anti D injection also but unfortunately I lost my baby. There were many other factors that contributed to mine though.

The best way I have dealt with this is focusing on the future and trying not to dwell on the past. I would not say this is the best way to deal with it because I tend to block it all out because of the pain.

I hope you start to feel better soon.. try to distract and relax yourself when you feel so anxious xx