View Full Version : can't sleep!

14-12-11, 10:15
This is the 4th night in a row that i have woken up at 3am...wide awake...
Is this anxiety? i'm tired in the evening, do all the right things, read a book etc, but i cant get to sleep for ages then i wake up at 3...wide awake, even put the tv on this morning..(i know that doesnt help but i was bored)

things race through your mind and i hate it, im normally a good sleeper..

14-12-11, 11:24
Yes, it's a very common symptom of anxiety and things like depression....

I used to have great problems sleeping when I was really anxious / depressed. There are things that you can try, like having a warm bath to relax you before you go to bed.... also warm milk, as it contains a natural chemical that helps to induce sleep.

I also used to use hypnosis / relaxation MP3, specifically those that use alpha, beta and theta brain waves which naturally, and harmlessly slow down the mental activity of your brain....you can find them on the Brain Sync website. ;)

I usually sleep with relaxing music on all night, on low volume. I also used to have the radio on low volume all night, like Radio Five live...so if you did wake up you could listen to what people were talking about and it would take your mind off your worries and help to to get back to sleep.

14-12-11, 12:25
This is me as well. for the past few weeks iv been waking at 3am. I no its because of the anxiety which has increased again lately.

i normally put the radio on, or sometimes i have to put the tv on. i no its wrong but i cant just lay there!

mandie x

14-12-11, 20:52
yes i have to put the tv on too, radiio is a good idea, warm milk is a good idea...hhmmm...bedtime soon....and relax!!

pray for sleep...

17-12-11, 22:21
You could always try a short course of sleeping pills if it really is a problem for you :)

18-12-11, 03:57
What is it with 3am, I have trouble sleeping, normall y it's the actual falling asleep which is bad for me but if I get to sleep at a reasonable hour it's very often 3am that I wake! Today it was because I suddenly woke up to a sudden quite horrid pain in my chest and armpit (left side!) really bad dizziness and chronic pins and needles in my hands!!! Felt awful hence being on here at 3:50! Has subsided a bit but omg it was scary I even used my phone to record a message for my family just in case I don't make it!! Am I going mad?!?

Mel xxxx