View Full Version : Really sick of this now, need help ! What tabs are you on?

14-12-11, 11:25
I can't believe that after several years of being panic and anxiety free ( although still depressed) that its all come back these last 5 months and am getting really sick of it :( I have a fear of death but sometimes feel I just can't go on living. do realise over the last few months I've had a very stressful time with a few things and I know this probably is the reason I feel this way ! I can be feeling ok one minute then bam the panic hits you and you don't really know why. One of my main symptoms is feeling am walking around on a cloud all the time :(

I really need some help but hate the side effects of anti depressents. However, I did go on them when I was first suffering in 2002 and they did help me overcome the anxiety and panic attacks, I can live with the depression.

What tablets are you on to help, how much do you take and did you have any side effects from them? Or can anyone recommend a natural remedy that has worked ( apart from bach rescue as I use this with no help ) in helping with anxiety or panic.

Anything woulod be helpful, thank you so much xxx

14-12-11, 11:35
Hi there,
I have long term depression and presently high anxiety. Have been on Citalopram for total of 9 weeks, first 4 at 10g (to build up tolerance) since then 20 mg and may need to up this further.
This has improved my overall low mood and restored higher energy levels but I a still finding it difficult to concentrate.
Initial period did have considerable side effects - increased anxiety and low appetite but I would say that to date it has been worth it.
Some good info on here if you search - citalopram.
Recommend? Yes but be sure your doc is up to speed.
Also good folk on here so make use of this site.
Take care

14-12-11, 12:19
Thank you very much for answering. I think it was citalopram I was on too. They gave me the side effects ( sorry tmi ) that I couldn't orgasm and I was dry below. I also felt a bit numb, couldn't laugh or cry ! However, it did stop me from having the panic attacks and anxiety and I was only on them a year. Then I managed to get an evening job and enjoy myself again. I came off them 7 years ago , so I don't think i've done too badly. Maybe I need them short term again ! Thank you xxx