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14-12-11, 22:24
Will I ever get over this? I hardly sleep :/ :( when I do sleep I wake up feleing panicy, breathless, really had enough! Don't know if I can take much more...

15-12-11, 06:04
I know how you're feeling! I also have disrupted sleep every night and wake up every morning filled with anxiety. For me it's a combo of feeling breathless, nauseous, and shaky. Not a pleasant way to start each day that's for sure!! Is your anxiety only at night and upon waking or does it last all day?

Mine is horrible in the morning and tends to slowly get better as the day goes on. I feel most normal in the evening and right before bed. But the anxiety is ways there in the background. It's making life so hard at the moment, and I wish I could just find a med that would work for me and help take these feelings away (I've tried 3 antidepressants so far.. All horrible with side effects that wouldn't go away). Are you on any meds?

15-12-11, 06:37
My anxiety is definitely at it's worst first thing in the morning. Luv2teach, I am exactly the same as you. I sleep ok but when my alarm goes off in the morning I wake up shaking, palpitations and just filled with fear. It's horrible.

Is there any reason for it being at it's worst first thing in the morning? Like you say, it's a dreadful way to begin each day.

15-12-11, 08:31
Ive heard many reasons why so many of us experience anxiety worse in the morning:

1. A stress chemical called cortisol I believe is most potent In our systems when we first wake up.

2. Blood sugar levels are at the lowest, which can make anxiety symptoms worse. Some people keep a little snack by their bed and eat it first thing before rising. I tried that once but nausea was so bad I felt like i couldn't keep it down.

3. We experience anticipatory anxiety before our day starts, for many before they even open their eyes. We start thinking about how we feel, will his be a good day, and so on.

These are the main ones I've read about but I'm sure there's more others may want to add. I heard that the best way to combat morning anxiety is to get out of bed as soon as you wake up and get the day going with your normal routines so you won't have time to make the anxious feelings worse. I just can't seem to get a grip on that at the moment as i suffer from depression also but hopefully one day I will be able to!!! Xx

15-12-11, 10:15
Im feeling exactly the same at the moment....

When i wake up im straight to the bathroom to check if my moles im worried about have gotten bigger, i just wake up with dread every morning! I have not had a full nights sleep in 3 years :(

Its soo draining, ive come home from work today because its all got on top of me

15-12-11, 16:01
I'm on citalopram, atm I feel the same if not worse, but doc said it takes time, I feel scaredd all day and all night its horrible, I hardly know what to do, and cos I feel so scared all day I do nothin at all, I try keep busy but I'm scared 2 go out incase I panic + my mom or someone close to me aint there, slightest lil noise I'm jumping, what anti-ds did u take? My side effects are insomina at 1st but I hardly slept anyway, now it makes me tired and feel like I don't know all different sort of moods at once, I'm hopin it works I was put on it about 4months ago but I've only just got the courage to take it, x