View Full Version : Im scared my body with sieze up...Help.

14-12-11, 22:46
Ok so for the last few months I ahve been panicking and worrying that my body will stop working, my legs and arms feel really stiff, it feels like they are heavy and my fingers go a bit numb, my fingers and toes also feel a bit swollen maybe its to warm in my house I dont know but Im just scared.. My wrists hurt and I have back pain, I know that the back pain is because I was sitting wrong the other day but i cant help but worry, My forehead feels numb, I keep having sharp pains in my head. I have a lump on the back of my neck that has been hurting its frightening me, I have had it for years and years and no problem so I know that its probably just panic but i cant stop worrying about it. What could be wrong with me does it sound just like anxiety or something more. Im scared that I will just stop moving and be paralysed. I have tingly feelings in my body as well.

I am on meds but I dont think they are working very well.
What should I do, Im scared. Has anyone else had this, I feel like its just me. I hate it. Why do I have it why do we all have it its not fair. Sorry I feel like a moan.
Any advice please.
Hannah x

14-12-11, 22:53
I've had all sorts of aches and pains including the ones you mentioned. I don't know why the meds aren't working but keep at it and if not go see the doc again, thats the only advice I can really give :l

14-12-11, 22:59
SomeOddworld, Thank you very much, sometimes its just nice to be a bit reassured.
Thanks again,
Hannah x