View Full Version : Scared that my boyfriend will leave me?

14-12-11, 23:28
One of my biggest fears, if not the biggest fear, is my boyfriend leaving me. I'm slightly obsessive over it. Any small argument or anything at all, I blow completely out of proportion. He'll feel like we are having a good conversation and yet I'll be feeling like everything's going horribly wrong. I don't know how to stop acting this way??

15-12-11, 10:53
i am the same. its anxiety and it is hard to control. it is evil and blows things out of proportion. see my post above yours. i wish i could advise you. i hope people on here can help us xxx

15-12-11, 10:57
I feel the same about mine, I suffer a bit from Agarophobia and wonder why he is still with me as sometimes I mess up going out at the weekend because of it! He also works in an office full of girls and I find it hard to accept that when he goes out socialising with them and also the office Xmas party. I do trust him but my anxiety makes me feel weaker against the other girls he is socialising with :(

15-12-11, 11:00
dear milkcarton, it's low self esteem. you must think he is with you because he fancies you. x

15-12-11, 12:16
You must try and allow your partners some freedom. Try to remember they are with you for a reason and if they wanted to go they would. I know its difficult but I have learnt that building on your own self confidence/self esteem may help. What I try and do is do something once a day that makes me feel good :)

15-12-11, 12:40
For what it's worth, I am going through this about my gf. I'll read this thread when I get home from work and maybe we can help each other out.

15-12-11, 13:33
I often think when I am having blips "why would my boyfriend want to be with someone who has these issues?" And I keep asking him if he sill loves me and is happy with me. In fact, just the other day I asked him and he said "yes I love you very much and am very happy with you." Remember that it is all part of the anxiety. You have a lot to offer him and you must make him happy or he wouldn't be with you. Try to to worry so much about it, and go with the flow!!

15-12-11, 15:29
Joking aside, I think my gf is the same as you. Always seeking reassurance and making sure everything is `ok`. Is that ok? Is this ok? Thats whats she`s like. When I met her she was kinda down. Now things between us are not bad but she`s still `down`. I mean its not like there is anything majorly wrong in our relationship , infact everything , I think is good or excellent but she feels `negative` about us lasting or whether she`s good enough for me.

Thats crazy to me but to her its serious. She genuinely believes I see the good things in her that others don`t and as a result has low confidence in herself.

31-12-11, 21:21
Thanks for the replies It still really scares me. I get a lot of panic attacks with him like when we are talking about serious things or things I think are serious I have them :(