View Full Version : Nosebleed after mixing medications

15-12-11, 04:11
I mixed Lexapro (escitalopram, I'm on 15mgs of it) with ibuprofen yesterday. I've done that before, plenty of times. But this time I was aware that there's a possible interaction because I looked it up online. The interaction involves bleeding, and I know the webpage said to be wary of any nosebleeds as well as bleeding from gums and other stuff.

Last night I had a brief, quite bloody nosebleed. My parents are convinced that it's aboslutely nothing. I'm sick with a sore throat, stuffy nose, etc., so they're sure that's what's up (plus just the fact that sometimes I have nosebleeds in the winter).

Should I overrule them and go to my uni's health services place? I'm seriously pressed for time because it's finals week, and I'm inclined to agree with my parents on this one, but if anyone knows that it's VERY BAD to ignore this, please let me know.

My doctors and psychiatrist never told me not to take ibuprofen, and it seems like because it's such a common medication they would've warned me if the interaction is potentially serious.
It's been almost 24 hours since the nosebleed, more than that since taking the medication. Gums aren't bleeding (I've been rubbing them periodically, and nothing). Would I know if my insides were bleeding in some way? Does the absence of pain mean I'm fine?

Why did I take the ibuprofen to begin with, you may ask? Because I am dumb sometimes.

ETA: On a separate note, I've been tensing my jaw a lot within the past few days. Is this because I'm sick (the sore throat etc)? It's not indicative of some neurological problem, is it? Does it have anything to do with TMJ which is mentioned a lot of these boards?

worried girl
15-12-11, 13:58
Well you are not bleeding anymore so you are fine. Nosebleeds are common and do not warrant a consultation unless you can't stop them or if they happen very frequently. Just let it go. Next take paracetamol instead. You are fine.