View Full Version : Feels like im getting worse and worse....

15-12-11, 10:09
Hi Guys,
Ive had a lot of change this year and in the last few months, ive bought my first house and ahve a baby on the way (due in Feb) so i know these things have definitely affected my HA, but just in the last month or so it feels as though its getting worse and worse!

Ive had it on and off for 3 years, but have not been this bad for ages! Ive come home from work today because i just couldn't function properly.

My current fixation is moles, im a moley person and have developed loads in the past few years... in the past 2 months i've been to the doctors about 4-5 times to check moles (one i think look dodgy or one i think are new).

But it just feels like an endless cycle.... if i find a new mole (bearing in mind most of my new ones are less than 2mm) i panic straight away and want to go to the doctors to have it checked out, i am sooo fed up of doing this and frustrated with myself.

I really don't know which way to turn at the moment, i have had 2 types of counseling and been on citralopram.

I dont want to wake up every morning dreading what i will find today, its tiring and making me ill. HOW DO I STOP IT?

Im generally ok with aches and pains and can leave it a few weeks to see if it gets better or goes away and it usually does.... but actual physical symptoms like lumps,bumps and moles just cripple me mentally.

I know if i go to the doc about this new mole, they will just say keep an eye on it and even if they do reassure me i know i will wake up the next day with something new to consume my thoughts....

I am just looking for some advice really...... :(

worried girl
15-12-11, 13:53
You have been to the doctors several time about your moles and never been refered that proves that they do not look cancerous. A friend of mine went to the doc about a mole. He was referred the next day. Turns out it was fine but this is just to say that doctors have guidelines they follow and anything suspiscious they would refer you within 2 weeks if there is any doubt that it is cancer. My friend did not have to go several times, once was enough. You have been told there is nothing wrong and just to keep an eye. That advice is not specific to you because they are worried about your moles, this is just general advice for anyone. If you have a mole then just keep an eye on it and if it changes a lot then get it checked. Just stop checking, you have been told there is nothing of concern so just decide to let it go.

15-12-11, 14:50
Thank you, yeah i generally don't obsess over ones they have said are ok, but like i said i keep getting new ones and they are the ones i get worried about, but i don't want to be rushing to the docs every time i get a new mole or something on my skin.... :(