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View Full Version : My extensive anxiety symptoms

15-12-11, 11:37
Hi all, Allow me to introduce myself, I am a 29 year old male, working in a moderately stressful but not overly stressful job as a designer in advertising, for the past few years I have been suffering from what the doctors deem to be anxiety related disorders, the symptoms I have experiences are as follows.

General feelings of uneasiness and dizzy/lightheadedness at times, quite a lot of gas build up, and pains and aches around the body sometimes in the chest, round the back and kidney area and also in and around the stomach abdomen, it is all very discomforting and pretty scary at times. When i started getting anxiety I had a couple of full on panic attacks, but I dont really get them any more just lots and lots of symptoms, also I get eczema on my face in patches. I have had also at times an extreme tightness right in the centre of my chest and also tightness and discomfort in areas under my ribcage. On a morning symptoms are extremely bad and i feel very removed and weak.

I have been to the doctors a few times and had bloodwork and I had the 24 hour BCG monitor and all tests came back normal. I was tested for the liver and kidney function and thyroid, I guess if there was any serious underlying illness that something would have shown in the bloodwork right?

I guess I am just seeking reassurance regarding these symptoms and to see whether my symptoms correspond to other sufferers.

Any feedback would be great. Thanks in advance.

15-12-11, 16:32
I can relate to all the symptoms you mentioned, if you read some more on this forum you will quickly see that your list is very common.

Have you looked into the CBT course available through this forum?

It explains everything and shows you how to come through this. :hugs:


16-12-11, 09:05
Thanks so much for your reply, I will certainly give the course a go and see if it helps, occassionally I may feel a bit back to myself but thwn just when I think im feeling ok symptoms will kick in again, im sure you know what it's like, but anything at the moment, any kind of distraction would be a great help, definitely think I need to channel my energy on some kind of course or treatment.

16-12-11, 09:55
Yeah it does sound anxiety-related. Eczema is prone to flaring up during stressful times so thats probably whats causing it to keep coming back.
You said mornings are bad and thats consistent with anxiety and/or depression.
If you've had blood tests done then you just need to work on reducing your stress and practicing relaxation and maybe CBT to help you with panicking.

16-12-11, 12:38
Yeah it does sound anxiety-related. Eczema is prone to flaring up during stressful times so thats probably whats causing it to keep coming back.
You said mornings are bad and thats consistent with anxiety and/or depression.
If you've had blood tests done then you just need to work on reducing your stress and practicing relaxation and maybe CBT to help you with panicking.

Thanks for that, I had eczema when i was little usually on my hands so it was always there underneath so I guess on my face and a little on my legs is all linked to stress/anxiety. It always amazes me how physical pain around the body which feels like it is something more sinister can be caused by anxiety.

16-12-11, 12:45
It is weird isnt it. It just shows how our mind and body are definitely linked. The illness fybromalgia (spelling?) has been proven to be linked to the sufferers emotional state, meaning that when they are depressed their physical symptoms will get worse and vice versa. Anxiety can do horrible things to our bodies but once we know its the anxiety causing the symptoms then we have something to work on, I hope you're feeling a bit better today anyway :hugs:

16-12-11, 17:23
It is weird isnt it. It just shows how our mind and body are definitely linked. The illness fybromalgia (spelling?) has been proven to be linked to the sufferers emotional state, meaning that when they are depressed their physical symptoms will get worse and vice versa. Anxiety can do horrible things to our bodies but once we know its the anxiety causing the symptoms then we have something to work on, I hope you're feeling a bit better today anyway :hugs:

Thanks for your comments, have been feeling a bit brighter most of today but now for example I have a lot of symptoms, I think so much of the time it is linked to food as well, whenever I seem to have not eaten and be hungry symptoms certainly get worse and after a meal they ease off a little. Forgot to add a few more symptoms that I have just remembered I get also get a fluttering in the left ear sometimes, generally only the left ear, a twitching/fluttering eyelid as well and only the right eye. I also get a little blood build up in my right nostril sometimes, not sure whether this is anxiety related.

16-12-11, 17:34
Hi all, Allow me to introduce myself, I am a 29 year old male, working in a moderately stressful but not overly stressful job as a designer in advertising, for the past few years I have been suffering from what the doctors deem to be anxiety related disorders, the symptoms I have experiences are as follows.

General feelings of uneasiness and dizzy/lightheadedness at times, quite a lot of gas build up, and pains and aches around the body sometimes in the chest, round the back and kidney area and also in and around the stomach abdomen, it is all very discomforting and pretty scary at times. When i started getting anxiety I had a couple of full on panic attacks, but I dont really get them any more just lots and lots of symptoms, also I get eczema on my face in patches. I have had also at times an extreme tightness right in the centre of my chest and also tightness and discomfort in areas under my ribcage. On a morning symptoms are extremely bad and i feel very removed and weak.

I have been to the doctors a few times and had bloodwork and I had the 24 hour BCG monitor and all tests came back normal. I was tested for the liver and kidney function and thyroid, I guess if there was any serious underlying illness that something would have shown in the bloodwork right?

I guess I am just seeking reassurance regarding these symptoms and to see whether my symptoms correspond to other sufferers.

Any feedback would be great. Thanks in advance.

Try reading Claire Weeks book self help for your nerves it is good for anxiety

Cathy xx

07-03-12, 17:24
Update on what I suspect could be anxiety symptoms. Over the past 2 months symptoms generally seem to have gotten worse, I have what I suspect is IBS and have just had all bloodwork done the only finding is that my platelet count is slightly high but apart from that there are no other abnormailities.

I have constantly aches and pains all over my abdomen this is continuous and never seems to subside, also get a build up of blood in the nose sometimes. On a morning I feel terrible and feel very bloated, I also feel pretty weak and dizzy most of the time and all this is really getting me down into a state of what I think could be depression. In addition I have a tightness around the side, back and kidney area.

Anyone else experience similar symptoms or can shed any light on my description?
