View Full Version : Feel very stupid...

worried girl
15-12-11, 13:11
Hello everyone,

I haven't been on the forum for a few months because guess what a miracle happened I feel a lot better now.
However today I have had a small relapse and I would like to share how silly I feel now. My main worry has been over the last 2 years related to bowel cancer. I have spent hours checking for blood. I have actually been better I believe because I simply stopped any forms of checking. It was really hard at first but really worth it.
Today after going to the bathroom I just had a quick look and guess what I saw blood. Turns out I am on my period so... However it took me about 3 hours and lots of checking to realise that well yes I am bleeding from my vagina but can't see anything from the back. Why am I worried about bowel cancer when I am only 28 and have no obvious symptoms...
I feel really bad after being so good for so long.
Does health anxiety ever goes completely away ? Does anyone have tips on how to deal with relapses and preventing them from starting a full blown panic attack ? And also my brain is telling me surely if I had the dreaded bowel cancer after 2 years I would know right ? Just would love to shut down the crazy part of me sometimes...