View Full Version : Quickly irritated

15-12-11, 13:39
I am having one of those days when I get quickly irritated/frustrated. I am trying really hard to remember that this is part of my anxiety and to not take it out on anyone.

I also try to pretend that I am not irritated and respond in a positive manner even though it goes against how I am feeling, in hopes that the feeling will eventually go away. Is it a "normal" to pretend as a coping mechanism? I also do this when I am anxious and try not to get into a shell, and eventually it seems real for me.

Does anyone else ever feel this way?

15-12-11, 16:23
Yep, its part and parcel of anxiety, of an over tired mind and body i guess.

15-12-11, 19:55
I've used so many expletives today, just to myself, swearing my head of in anger, sometimes I find it helps to let off steam.

16-12-11, 02:09
I feel like this quite often, though it's more to do with my situation. I find that doing something which uses energy and takes you mind off things helps (I cut and split wood with an axe for the fire)

william wallace
16-12-11, 11:55
Have to agree Mr Brambles that log and firewood
processing does get rid of my pent up
aggression, and it's good for the soul:D