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View Full Version : Ill or anxiety?

15-12-11, 15:47
Hi guys.

I am a long time lurker, but feel like i need to post as i ffel like i am losing the plot and i am terrified.

I have had panic attacks on and off for the last 12 years, i was on paroxetine for 7 years but gradually weaned off them.

My problems have started again recently here are my symptoms:

last sunday i had severe chest pains and thought i was going to have a heart attack, sweaty, nauseous but felt like i needed to run, i calmed down after a few mins tho.
always worrying over anything to do with my health.
food is tasteless
feeling of dread in tummy.
not looking forward to xmas...i have 3 kids and love xmas more than anything.
weird thoughts like i could hurt someone( had these yrs ago but they come and go and i know in my mind i would never do anything it just freaks me out.
hard to differentiate reality with non reality.
no energy
i dont even know what has brought this on, but i dont want to see my dr as i am scared hell think i am mad and section me, i am also worried as they said i had a health anxiety disorder after i found a lump so dont like going

Anyone been through anything like this?
Please help me xxx

15-12-11, 16:18
That could have been posted by me about 7 years ago. I also have 3 kids and wouldnt go to the doctors because i feared being sectioned.

Everything on your list is something i have had ( and still do) over the past years, have you tried the cbt course thats on this forum? I am finding its helping me an awful lot. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 16:18 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------


Theres the link in case you are interested, its free for 30 days so really you have nothing to lose. :)

15-12-11, 16:33
hi hun, thank you so much for your reply, this forum has made me feel a little more relieved, so much so i have just made an appointment with my dr for next week, i have been looking at the cbt, but going to see what the dr says.

i just feel like such a failure as a mum too, as i dont want them thinking they had a rubbish childhood etc, i just want to feel normal again and get my confidence and personality back.

do you feel better than you did, cos at the moment i feel like its just gonna be with me til the day i die xx

15-12-11, 16:43
hi hun, thank you so much for your reply, this forum has made me feel a little more relieved, so much so i have just made an appointment with my dr for next week, i have been looking at the cbt, but going to see what the dr says.

i just feel like such a failure as a mum too, as i dont want them thinking they had a rubbish childhood etc, i just want to feel normal again and get my confidence and personality back.

do you feel better than you did, cos at the moment i feel like its just gonna be with me til the day i die xx

You arent a failure as a mum, far from it! You have a nervous illness and just need a little help and guidance thats all. :bighug1:

Comparing myself with 7 years ago i am much better, i couldnt go out at all back then and i felt like a terrible mum, simple every day things like collecting them from school were impossible for me back then. Its very frustrating!

Now i am able to function, i work part time and get little in the way of panic but more in the way of always feeling anxious if that makes sense?

Its great that you are going to the doctors, the cbt course on here has helped me understand properly whats happening and how to move forward, but all the help and advice in the world doesnt take away from the fact that it is YOU and ME and everyone else here who ultimately has to go about our daily life facing, accepting our panic-anxiety-intrusive thoughts and so on. Its hard but with full understanding and perseverance it can be done. :hugs: