View Full Version : Im back again..when will this stop

15-12-11, 16:26
I have HA, have had it for many years and for the last while its been under control, i have been stressing lately and had one or two panic attacks but today i feel horrible and HA means it must be a stroke or brain tumour im petrified. woke this morning feeling awful, i do have a sinus infection so knew i would feel a little off but when i woke it felt like my head was fuzzy and i was seeing through a mist plus at times i felt a little dizzy.. i worked all day cleaning etc in the house plus had to pop to shops n felt ok at times.. when i was in the last shop i felt rubbish like something was wrong next thing i knew i thought i was going to faint my legs were actually shaking and i had to grip onto the counter for support.. when i walked out of shop telling myself it was anxiety my head felt so fuzzy and i kept worrying what if it wasnt anxiety.. i made myself go into another shop and again in there i could feel my legs shake.. i had previously pins/needles in left arm over last 10 days which had went away now its came back and as u can imagine im now convinced i have had a little stroke.. i can lift both arms etc but thought my face had went odd im assured by family that its normal looking but im really worried that its something serious not anxiety.. anyone had any of these symptoms?

15-12-11, 16:36
I was in tesco today waiting in line at the till and i felt my legs shaking, my head spinning ( i am just coming out of a migraine which doesnt help) the lights, the noise, the heat, the people..all added together when i am already on edge means disaster. But, as usual i stood there, i didnt pass out, i didnt run out screaming like a loon:ohmy: It was my anxiety, just like yours was. When we already feel unwell it makes things harder, we are on high alert at the best of times, then when we feel a bit poorly we go into over drive, it makes sense when we think about it logically. :hugs:

15-12-11, 16:52
It could almost have been me in tesco, that is exactly how i felt.. i really hate anxiety, especially right now thanks so much xx

15-12-11, 17:13
Ive had all of those symptoms and many more over the past 5-6 weeks almost constantly. My legs have been really weak and like jelly, ive had pins and needles, headaches, twitches everywhere, regularly heaving, cold shivers, and now my stomach feels bloated and after I eat its uncomfortable and everything I eat repeats on me and I keep wanting to burp....its horrible! I am also frequently short of breath and listening to my own chest and breathing. I am paranoid about every ache and pain. It really frightens me. Jo

15-12-11, 20:42
Ive had all of those symptoms and many more over the past 5-6 weeks almost constantly. My legs have been really weak and like jelly, ive had pins and needles, headaches, twitches everywhere, regularly heaving, cold shivers, and now my stomach feels bloated and after I eat its uncomfortable and everything I eat repeats on me and I keep wanting to burp....its horrible! I am also frequently short of breath and listening to my own chest and breathing. I am paranoid about every ache and pain. It really frightens me. Jo

i feel exactly the same its horrible x