View Full Version : Valium??

15-12-11, 16:57
My doctor has Prescribed me Valium for My anxiety and Depersonalization for three weeksn..I am too scared to take this! I don't think they will do anything for me at all! Has anybody had any experience with this drug?

15-12-11, 17:23
Hi i use diazepam 2mg when my anxiety and panic is really bad and it does calm me down, i use it on a as needed basis as it can be addictive! it will def help you xx

15-12-11, 17:28
I have just been reading such horrible things about it, My doctor is giving it me to take for three weeks only... I just dont know If I really want to take a drug that is so addictive and that has so many horrible side effects! x

15-12-11, 17:31
I use diazapam too, and have not had any side effects at all, just a feeling of being calm, they will help you in the short term,your gp has given you them for three weeks, so why not take them, i'm sure they will help. good luck x

15-12-11, 17:46
I am on lorazepam on an as needed basis, and am currently taking them as I am having a blip in my anxiety. They help me to calm down and be able to function without feeling so anxious. I have been using them on and off for years and have not become addicted to them. I would recommend taking them as your doctor has prescribed, as you will see that they will help you to get through.

I am thinking of you and sending you this :bighug1:

15-12-11, 17:50
Thank you for the replies :) I just don't see how anything is going to stop all this anxiety and the way my mind rapidly thinks and questions everything. I don't want to feel that a drug is controlling how I act/My mind etc....
I just don't know what else to do though to be honest, This has all been pretty none stop for 2months and I am exhausted from it all...I get so angry really easy now too as I am annoyed that I can't ever feel happy/relaxed/normal ... I am forever worrying,questioning,panicking! It makes me quite a snappy person now because i just see no point in anything. x

15-12-11, 18:14
sorry your feeling like this :hugs: anxiety is awfull but please try the diazepam i promise you they will help, has the doctor offered you any long term help like AD's or councilling? xx

15-12-11, 18:29
I am already on AD's..Paroxatine, I have been on these for about 7years. She put them upto 40mg a few weeks ago and to be honest they haven't done an awful lot! but she said it can take upto six weeks to notice the difference on them, which is why she wants to give me some Valium to take to see if it helps

I Have had lots of counselling in the years, I didn't find it all that helpful lol xx

15-12-11, 18:32
give the diazepam ago, i had no side effects from them at all, ive used them this week as ive had a blip and they really helped me xx

15-12-11, 20:31
Hi mate, to be honest I know EXACTLY how you feel, I and thousands of others had exactly the same doubts and fears as you before trying a new medication. I'll say to you what I said to myself: get it down you! You are creating much more stress for yourself at the moment by paralysing yourself with doubt. Doubt is the enemy of improvement. Try a dose and see how you feel. Stay around people if you can, or if not, listen to your favourite music or watch something on telly.

Valium has been widely praised and relied on by the people who use it. Some people hate it. Well, some people hate the iPhone, but it's still sold in the millions.

Valium can be addictive and some doctors refuse to prescribe it. It's only ever prescribed on a short-term basis for anxiety as far as I know to get you through the worst until your "proper" medication kicks in.

One final thing. You're going to be so keenly aware of it that you'll be as tense as hell for the first few doses. The very first dose may make you feel especially strange - try to remember much of this is your own over-sensitivity and probably hasn't got a lot to do with the actual effects of the medicine.

* Even though it seems to break when the warranty has expired, but this has got nothing to do with Valium.

15-12-11, 20:56
PsychoPoet Thanks very much :) I know for a fact I will panic like made once/if I take it..I do that with any medication and make myself feel strange! lol

I am so silly because I don't even get the tablets until tomorrow yet i am already googling all the bad side effects etc..and reading some horror stories about them, Apparently they can CAUSE depersonalization! Which isn't good as that's one of the things I am struggling with.. Maybe I should give them a go like you said and see what happens! I strongly doubt they will help me though :P

Also thanks for the Iphone Info! I was thinking of looking into one but if they break oncethe warranty expires...well,I might have to re think that decision ;) lol

15-12-11, 21:06
No worries mate, get a Samsung, they're a better deal, you can change the battery and you can stick a memory card in to get it to 32gb of memory. Also the accessories are much cheaper and Android market might as well be free. ;)

15-12-11, 21:53
Do you work for Carphone warehouse or something love? :P lol

15-12-11, 23:42
PsychoPoet Thanks very much :) I know for a fact I will panic like made once/if I take it..I do that with any medication and make myself feel strange! lol

I am so silly because I don't even get the tablets until tomorrow yet i am already googling all the bad side effects etc..and reading some horror stories about them, Apparently they can CAUSE depersonalization! Which isn't good as that's one of the things I am struggling with.. Maybe I should give them a go like you said and see what happens! I strongly doubt they will help me though :P

Also thanks for the Iphone Info! I was thinking of looking into one but if they break oncethe warranty expires...well,I might have to re think that decision ;) lol

I would be suprised if you "panic" for very long after taking a diazepam, it will kick in after approx 15-20mins and make you feel much calmer. I use it and have never had any side effects. It's very good for anxiety.

:) x

16-12-11, 15:44
So i picked up my tablets,it says to take 1-2 three times a day, Its 2mg of Diazepam. Side effects are Depersonlization,which is one of the big issues right now...and also has a huge list of other side effects.

I am not going to take them.
I can't keep on the way I am either :(

I'm stuck.

16-12-11, 15:57
Hi I have taken a 2mg this morning and it has had a calming effect I was like you I hate taking antidepressents or diazipam but I have had a marriage breakup and lost my job plus a few other things and sometimes we just need a bit of help to think straight when suffering with anxiety. I was out last night and one of the girls is taking 10mg diazipam twice a day and she said at the moment she needs them to help her and 3 other women were on prozac. And her was me worring about taking my antideprssent as I have just started amitriptyline.

So just give yourself a break and take your diazipam. 2mg is nothing I also know someone who takes 30mg a day :ohmy: I would never do that infact my gp only gave me 14.

Cathy xx

16-12-11, 16:09
it's not going to help me..Whatever I have is much more then anxiety and depression.

I am at the point where i no longer want to live,i cant do this.