View Full Version : rheumatoid factor results

15-12-11, 17:06
Does anyone know what borderline rheumatoid factor results mean? Im really worried as the drs just rang and said have to go in and discuss it? xxx

15-12-11, 17:17
Rheumatoid factor is a blood test to see if you are at risk of developing Rheumatoid Arthritis. The issues are that many inflammatory disorders can give a positive rheumatoid factor number so borderline can mean anything. Your doctor will discuss options and order any more tests if he/she thinks are necessary to find out if there is any disease process.
Don't overly concern yourself at this early stage because sometimes these tests isolated are not indicative of anything serious.

15-12-11, 17:19
Thank you for replying. I stupidly googled and have come up with Lupus :( xx

16-12-11, 09:31
Has anyone had these blood results b4? xx