View Full Version : Please Help - not being listened to and in pain :(

15-12-11, 17:24
Hi all,
Ive been doing SO well recently, i thought i really had turned a corner. For the past month after my last hospital stay (CT scan showed my spleen was healing well and the laparotomy had no surgical problems - but have cysts on ovaries) I had been looking after my little girl, driving myself around, going out etc... and EVERYONE said i looked better and i felt i was 'my old self'.

However, on Sunday i noticed blood in my urine, with lots of 'flakes' of dark red. I didnt panic (outwardly), but went to GP on Mon who did a dipstick test which found plus 2 blood but no protein etc. He put me on antibiotics, said we'll review in a week and sent it off to the lab.
Then on Tues, i felt so so sick and my back was killing me on the right side. The blood in the urine had gone, but i started 'checking' myself again (my own blood pressure/blood sugar/temperature) and found i had a temp of 38. I freaked out and took myself to A+E after i couldnt get in at the DRs.

They admitted me, suspecting a kidney infection. I was put on 24hrs of IV antibiotics and felt so much better. I was ok in myself (no panic) and they sent me home the next day on a course of 7days antibiotics.
Today however, i woke up and the pain in my right side/right lower abdomen was AWFUL. It made me physically sick. It felt like someone stabbing me from inside. I took my temp which was 37.7 so i rang 111 who told me to go back to a+e. However, the DR there was horrible and dismissive. I had a temperature, was crying (IN PAIN NOT PANIC) yet because of my history he obviously thought i was over reacting and that he put it down to 'adhesion pain' or 'scarring' because ive had such major surgery (15weeks ago). I had plus one for protein in my urine which i thought was odd seeing as thats the 1st time its happened and im on antibiotics.. At first he mentioned an ultrasound but then he changed his mind and sent me home on more paracetamol. I was in tears with the frustration i felt.
What could this pain be? The ovarian cysts? Indeed a water infection? Kidney probs? Im worried that its my appendix :( My bloods (taken 2 days ago) were all normal...

ANY help/advice would really help - i want to be in control of this - not it control me so that i go back to the state i was in a few months ago xxx
Charlotte x