View Full Version : So afraid of breast cancer!

15-12-11, 18:24
Hi everyone,
I am freaking out. I had a scaly rash on my nipple a few weeks ago. I went to the doctor and she prescribed me a steroid cream for nipple eczema, and said she wasn't worried about anything sinister. The rash went away with the cream. Then I got some terrible pains under my arm and around my breast so I went back. There was a different doctor in the medical centre, and he examined the breast and said it was fine. Apparently if it were cancer it the rash wouldn't respond to cream. Now, I forgot to put the cream on for 2 days, and the rash came back! Does that mean that it isn't responding to the cream?

I wish I could just trust my doctors...I feel like I am going crazy! I just want to stop worrying about health problems!!!!

15-12-11, 22:36
I think it would not have gone away at all if it was cancer.
Probably you have a skin problem!

---------- Post added at 23:36 ---------- Previous post was at 23:19 ----------

I just have to tell you how much I freaked out when the doctor did the ultrasound on my breast.
I was almost dying of fear (how ironic to die of fear when you are afraid of dying of cancer) when they wanted more and more scans and then also an ultrasound. I asked the doctor a thousand nervous questions and I almost cried. I started talking about my father who died of cancer and the doctor asked me if I am an anxoius person, I said NOOOOOO not at all, I am never anxious, only right now because you are examining my breast so carefully :whistles:

she really must have thought I had escaped from some kind of psychiatric clinic:doh:

16-12-11, 23:15
Thanks Justina, I am trying to keep my mind off it and enjoy the holidays, but I have these moments of anxiety. I found a little bump in my armpit, it feels like the lymph node that was swollen last week, but I keep thinking bad thoughts. I am so nervous!!

17-12-11, 15:07
Hi Betsyboo, I was in exactly the same place as you this time last year. I was convinced I had pagets disease even after seeing the doctor I could not be reassured. I spiralled into a panic and my HA was sky high for months I felt like I would never feel normal again. Eventually I decided enough was enough and started CBT, this gave me the confidence to rell my doctor how I was feeling and she talked to me about my fears and put me on citalopram. I have been on it for 6 weeks now and I feel so much better, I am able to ignore the occasional worries that pop into my head and have a much more rational way of thinking about my health. Don't suffer in silence, I wasted almost a whole year on worrying, talk to your GP about how you feel I am so glad that I did. Oh and if the cream worked and things only came back when you stopped using it then it is definately responding to the cream so stop worrying about it. Hope you feel better soon. x

17-12-11, 15:18
I agree that if it responded to the cream, it doesn't sound like BC at all. The gland could be fighting whatever infection you may have or it could have always been there and is totally fine.

I went through a Paget's scare about a year ago. My left nipple kept peeling slightly and I was freaking out. Nothing made it go away. So my Dr sent me to the Derm who said it was nothing and just put lotion on it. Turns out it was from my running in a sports bra that didn't fit properly. It was from friction. I felt so dumb when I finally figured it out. But that is why it didn't go away, I run all the time so I never gave it a break. <sigh> HA at it's finest!

17-12-11, 18:07
You saw a Dr who looked at you and he said it was ok. It is if you don't see a Dr when these things occur that you should worry but you are in the clear so no need to worry it is unlikely he made a mistake in this case.
If you are not happy still get a second opinion.

19-12-11, 18:02
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all the kind words. I am less anxious, but of course I am still having twinges of anxiety...mainly when the itching and burning comes back. It feels like I have to keep putting the cream on or it comes back. I feel fine until the burning itching feeling comes back, and then I start freaking out that I have cancer again. I get so worried! I just want to be able to relax!