View Full Version : Not Good Today

05-06-06, 14:47
I need help today as im cracking up big time. Yesterday I had tummy pains, lower back pain and pains in my both sides. Today I feel bloody awful really nauseous and ill. Rang my husband at work to tell him I thought I was dying to be told "Oh Mandy Im in the middle of an important meeting cant it wait". So im not making him any dinner tonight thats for sure!!! Ive read the symptoms for IBS and have diagnosed myself with that. I dont want to go see GP as all 5 of them are fed up with me I think.

Please Help

Mandy xx

05-06-06, 15:08
hi mandy did you eat anything yesterday that might have upset your stomach?i know that whenever i eat garlic it really gives me stomach aches etc.i know what you mean about husbands !mine has just stopped listening to me altogether when im anxious but i suppose its difficult for them too!!!you will much better soon its just sometimes our anxiety makes the symptoms worse take care rachel x x

05-06-06, 15:34
Hi mandy
Sorry you are having a yuck day, could just be a tummy bug, or that good ol' anxiety making you all tense inside. I get this too, thought it was IBS, cancer all sorts but it comes and goes and I'm still here with nothing serious, I just think it is tension in those areas. I focus on mine way too much, if Ihave a twinge I think 'what's wrong' and then keep checking and then expecting it so then I focus on it and all the symptoms develop for the condition I think i have - health anxiety don't you just love it - not! My hubby exactly the same, what is it now attitude! Hope you feel better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'

05-06-06, 16:10
I am so sorry you are xperiencing this! It sounds really silly, but when I am feeling all knotted up on something, I do tons of laundry. I know that sounds so silly, but I will feel relaxed after doing it...suppose the gentle swishing of the tub of the machine, and the differnt task will help. Took up sewing, and while my "creations" can look ugly at times, it is really a good diversion. If you feel really badly, would calling your doc help you feel better? Take good care! Sorry your tummy hurts! Hubbys worry, but can't express it, and a tart response can make them feel in control of a situation they don't understand, at least with my hubby. He out and said one day, "Sorry I was snappy, but I feel powerless about this anxiety. I don't understand it, and I am frustrated." Some people process things and need order in their outlooks. Anxiety seems at times to have no order or rhyme or reason, and that can be threatening to those who love us who just want an immediate fix, or immediate reason for all causes/symptoms.
Take good care! This will pass. I am living proof that it will! :)

05-06-06, 16:19
hi mandy i too have had stomach ache/pains since friday in the places you describe...it actually feels like i need to go to the toilet(but i dont think its that)..i have already diagnosed myself with widespread stomach cancer!!?
In reality i think its my period coming combined with tension which has moved from my chest to my stomach...why oh why do we always think the worst.
it could quite simply be a bit of a tummy bug or something you have eaten..
Have you tried Andrews salts or tonic water had both this morning...seemed to have helped a bit..take care

05-06-06, 16:46

I hope you feel better soon. I have been diagnosed with IBS and you need a endoscopy/colonoscopy to be truly diagnosed. I will tell you this, I control mine now with diet. If you eat healthy it will help. As I don't know how you eat I can't tell if your diet is the culprit, anxiety definately is. Try to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, it will help. I do hope you feel better soon. As for your husband's comment, I hope he apologizes and with you feeling so ill, he should bring home dinner!


05-06-06, 18:28
Hi guys

Thank you all so much I swear I feel better already knowing I have all you guys to give me support x

Thanks a million

Mandy xxx

Two heads
05-06-06, 19:05
hi mandy!
Maybe it wass something you just ate hun.all a bug.i expect its a bug as theres alot going about.Try not to worry im sure it isnt anything serious xxx

05-06-06, 21:18
Hi Mandy - so sorry you're feeling horrid. This anxiety gremlin can manifest itself in all sorts of ways - today I went for an x-ray because I have a goitre (a swelling of the thyroid). Needless to say I have already decided that they have found a chest riddled with cancer???!!!

Try to take it nice and easy and remember that your nerves are very sensitive.....no wonder you have pains.

As for your husband's remark, try not to be too harsh. My husband also is finding it so difficult to deal with this new, twitchy wife - I used to be so laid back I always said I had the metabolism of a slug. Now I have so much adrenalin coursing through my veins I'm thinking of wiring my bicycle up to a generator!!!

Good luck Mandy, we are all normal people suffering from a very common problem. Be strong and hold your head up high. xxxx