View Full Version : palpatations right now-what do I do ??

15-12-11, 20:37
Have been on 20 mg of citalopram for 4 months-so the worse of my anxiety is over-which is good.
Ive felt more irritated than usual over the last couple of days and tonite am having heart palps and tight chest-feels like Im on the verge of a panic attack.
Ive got some propanalol but dont know whether to take them-CAN I TAKE IT WITH MY CITALOPRAM ?
Please help-anyone xx:weep:

15-12-11, 20:59
Didnt want to read and run, but i have never taken meds so have no idea what to suggest.

Hopefully someone in the know will arrive soon and offer you some advice x

15-12-11, 21:06
I take propranolol x3 a day along with fluoxetine I'm not a Dr. But I think you'll be fine :)

15-12-11, 21:07
Is there an out of hours/duty doctor at your practice you can call ? Most surgeries offer this service, and a doctor can call you back to advise. Ring your surgery number and there should be a number you can call to get through to a doctor.

15-12-11, 21:14
When I was on Cit my Dr prescribed Propanolol too, so it must be safe

15-12-11, 21:37
Thanks for replies-I will take the beta blockers- however Ive calmed down a bit now, but thanks for helping everyone x

15-12-11, 22:33
Hi, for anyone reading this, heart palpitations are extremely common and aren't just a symptom of anxiety, they can occur randomly for no reason at all. If you're worried about them, get your GP to check you out for your peace of mind.

16-12-11, 16:21
Please don't combine meds without approval from your physician :)

You don't necessarily need to get too concerned with light palpitations. This is coming from someone who has a heart condition and knows far too much about them ;) I'll second PsychoPoet's comments above on that front.