View Full Version : need your suggestions overcoming a medical fear

05-06-06, 15:55
Howdy, all! Since I so value all of your insight and experienced advice, I need a "collective let's put our heads together here" moment from you, if you will.
In my early 20's, I was dx with a very rare form of endocrine cancer. (And it is very rare, and I want to remind all that just because I had this, it was quickly discovered, treated, and 20 plus years later I am here and in very great health...so DONT worry about that fear!! :) ) But here is my dilema, which I need your help. Upon dx., I immediately entered a then experimental support therapy program which was, I think now that I know more about CBT, a massive CBT intervention program for cancer patients to go along with any treatments from the traditional medical front. We went on an intensive, beautiful forest surrounded health retreat during which time we received intensive counseling on call, aimed at getting to the psychological underpinnings and roots of the disease process (yes, believe it or not, cancer can, and I am living proof, WILL, respond to supportive interventions such as learning to relax, meditate, work with your docs instead of against them, etc.......and, people, despite a dx at one time that 1/3 could pass at the end of 5 years, I am HERE TODAY after about 23 years have passed!!!
But here's my situation:
Lately,[8)] I have worked myself into a corner of catastrophizing thinking patterns regarding avoiding doctors, health checks....it is a very negative pattern...I am too worried about a little thing turning out to be investigated and found to be cancer related, so I avoid the doctor, and cataxtrophize little pains...very negative, and too much time worrying and not enjoying the beautiful gift of life I have been afforded now for such a lifetime, despite what the concrete dx from docs said, I outlived and am so healthy....SO WHAT'S my Problem? Why do I worry about a reoccurance?
Help and insight appreciated to break this negative cataxtrophizing pattern!
Love yous, T

05-06-06, 16:54

I would guess it would be natural to fear a reoccurance of cancer once you have had it. I think quite alot of people with anxiety issues avoid the doctors thinking what they don't know is better than actually knowing what is wrong with them, why I don't know. Maybe it is because if they don't have to face their fear it might go away. Due to your history, however, I urge you to go to the doctor and have a checkup. I go once a year and have no history of problems, it is just a routine for me. Try to get back to your insight of 20 years ago. Like you said you were given a gift, don't mess it up by not keeping up with checkups.


05-06-06, 17:11
Im one of those classics that are petrified of doctors. I used to be the oposite & was at the docs atleast once a week, then i went to a psychologist for a while & since then (that was 12 yrs ago) i am terrified of going to the docs, maybe the therapy made me go too far the other way! But im not too sure why im really like that. Im just terrified of the whole going there, hearing them say something isnt right & saying they will send me for tests. That would be my worst nightmare & i would need some sort of sedative to get me through the waiting time for that. Maybe there is an eliment of subconciously thinking it will go away if i dont go. But mostly i think if i was REALLY sure something could be bad i would be there like a shot. I like to hope so anyway!

05-06-06, 23:45
I agree with belle as you've had cancer in the past it is only natural that you will be afraid that it could come back. However, you should go and get health checks, that is what everyone does, it is normal and it ensures that we stay healthy. try and break the cycle before you become too entrenched in it, it may be hard but it will break the cycle.

Take care

'This too will pass'