View Full Version : PLZ HELP!!!

16-12-11, 03:22
my name is jay im 22 nearly 23 and have a little girl due on the 2nd of january.
i have just moved temperaliy to new zealand from england uk to come here for 6 months to be with my parents whilst i start treatment. i have cought a serious illness. basically i have been in a relationship for 3 years, about 4 months ago my partner finished with me and i went back to drug taking and went on a binge for 1 week. ''note, it was only 1 week'' so here goes my story. as i said i have been i a relationship for 3 years an my fiance ended our relationship. i went for a binge on drugs for a week. injecting suboxone and sniffing cocaine etc. i did stop myself bcoz i had got arrested for fighting. and sitting in the cell for 3 days on remand until i went to court i had a lot of time to sit there an think omg 1 week ago i was very happy with my fiance who is pregnant with my soon to be daughter and stepson and now im sitting in a cell waiting to go to court and have been injectin drugs. what has happened! anyway i got bailed and let out on bail. after 2 months went by i was feelin ill. sick and stomach pains. i went to the dr's an got blood tests done. 2 days later ring ring ring my fone rung and it was the dr herself tellin me to come to the dr's asap. scared i was! in the office she tells me i have cought hepatitis c genotype 3!!! i felt like dieng. was extremely upset. i had lost my fiance as she finished with me hadnt seen my stepson and my ex was pregnant and now i have cought hep c. my life had jus completely turned upside down. i will point out it was my own fault and i take full responsability that i caught this illness thro that 1 week period of drug taking. my parents live in new zealand and they sed u need to start treatment asap and they booked my ticket to come to new zealand. i have always sufferd with paranoi and anxiety and have been on valium for 4 years. i am just about to start the meds for hep c and from forums and dr's words its going to be a VERY hard 6 months. the side affects are horrific. they have prescribed me prozac/fluoxetine for the 6 months for the side affects of hep c medication is severe depression. i am worried and was wondering does any1 know what its like taking these? i cant believe i wasnt that worried injecting shit in my veins when i was mentally unstable when my ex finished with me and i stll am upset n depressed now but im scared to start this medication. quite strange what our minds can do to us eh! anyway im seeking advice, what to expect. its 4:20pm friday afternoon and i will take my 1st one this evening 20mg. is it better to take mornig or evening? how long do they take to kick in? anyway i have my 1st injection for the hep c on the 23rd december so i really am going to have a bad xmas as the injection gives u bad flu type symptons for a couple days after u take it. but i must do it as i want to kill this illness. also i am going to miss the birth of my girl and the first 6 months of her life which is a killer in itself. im going thro a hard time and expecting it to be 100times worse from the 23rd december. i am startin my prozac tonight and jus seeking advice from any1 who has taken this and what to look out for and common side affect. many thanks every1

william wallace
16-12-11, 09:32
Hi Jay and:welcome:
I've never taken Fluoxetine but I'm very close to someone who has. She was lucky and never had any S/E whatsoever. The worst you can expect is heightened anxiety for a wee while. If your Hep C treatment is Interferon?, or similar, the sooner you get some Fluoxetine into your system the better.
All the best WW:D

16-12-11, 10:43
'what to look out for and common side affect'

I think if we listed potential side effects not only would we be here all day but it wouldn't do you any good.

Legally, drug companies have to list every side effect anyone has ever complained about, even if it's an isolated case or possibly related to something else.

I know it's really difficult to not worry about side effects but it's best if you don't even give them a second thought, once you know what to look out for, you'll be paranoid about every twinge or slight change once taking them!

I agree that you might have heightened anxiety but you just have to keep reminding yourself that this medication will make you BETTER in the long run so stay focused on that instead of your anxiety.

Good luck :hugs: