View Full Version : Any Suggestions or Advice

16-12-11, 06:20
Hello, sometimes i have intrusive thoughts which make me feel very anxious. These thoughts are my worst nightmare harming someone I love by suddenly doing something random. I am very pro life and would protect any living thing rather than hurt it but I have noticed an increase in these dark thoughts lately. I am on prozac at the moment but I am not sure if I should go and speak to my doctor about this? Has anyone got any suggestions.....

Many thanks for any help in advance...:unsure:

16-12-11, 09:05
There is a good post on this on the OCD board. Anxiety often 'crosses in' to OCD, although you don't need to have the compulsions to have a touch of OCD. x

16-12-11, 10:02
Many thanks gjbrph I will have a look at that:yesyes:

16-12-11, 12:16
How long have you been on Prozac? :)

16-12-11, 15:10
Hi mallan82450 I have been back on Prozac for around 2 months now..:)

16-12-11, 15:31
Hi neowallace,

I can definitely empathise with you and have experienced OCD myself. I started a thread here about my experiences, you might find something that'll help you:


Best of luck x

16-12-11, 16:59
Hi again Goldilockz thanks for your message I read the full thread and found it very helpful , i like the idea about treating the thoughts as a bully and standing up too them or ignoring them. Many thanks again I do appreciate people who are understanding and kind. I wish you all the best you have given me renewed hope of being able to manage this...:)

All the best swxx

17-12-11, 08:42
Do you think this is Anxiety ?Anxiety wastes your time and energy and weakens you, both mentally and physically.Lack of control over your thoughts, strengthens your anxiety. As negative thoughts get stronger, your anxiety gets stronger too. You need to learn to control your thoughts.