View Full Version : I'm new here...

05-06-06, 16:49
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this site, having only discovered it over the weekend and already I can;t believe how many people there are out there going through the same thought processes as me. I'm 35 and have battled with health anxiety for as long as I can remember. Things have got particularly bad over recent weeks, so much so that I start with a new therapist tomorrow in Harley Street. I have in the past taken Cipramil, however I feel I want to battle my demons 'clean' without the masking of my fears that anti anxiety medication can often cause. I just wanted to say hi and to introduce myself as I believe this site may well offer me a place of solace when I'm having a bad time of it. FYI...my current fear is stomach cancer. I have lost nearly a stone in 8 weeks and my appetite has dissappeared completely, I feel sick a lot of the time and often gag on the food I'm trying so desperately to eat. Sense, and my partner, mother and friends, tells me that I moved house 8 weeks ago and things have been quite stressful, I have also exerted a lot more energy over the last few months and a 'sane' person could well deduce that it is in fact these factors that have led to my weightloss. However, I'm my mind, weightloss is cancer, and so I now can't eat at all without being so obsessively consumed with fear about the whole process that I am making myself feel 100 times worse. I'm also weighing myself everyday, and freaking out if I lose another pound. I feel like something is restricting me in my throat so eating feels horrid and I just wish I could take a pill and not have to worry about food anymore. My lack of appetite is also freaking me out as up until 8 weeks ago food was the biggest love in my life, and now I feel as though I'm never going to enjoy a meal again. Anyway, just though I'd let you know what sort of place I'm in at the moment...hopefully my first therapy session tomorrow could be the start of a new road for me, one where health and the subsequent anxiety that goes with it isn't the first thing i think of in the morning and the last thing I think of at night. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope you're all having a better day than me! x

05-06-06, 16:56
a very warm welocme and a big hug.
I hope therapy goes well tomorrow.

Hay x

05-06-06, 16:58
Hello and welcome to the forum
Love Helen

05-06-06, 19:43
Hi and welcome aboard. Lovely to see you here.


05-06-06, 20:11

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

05-06-06, 20:15
Hi Cooper-girl

Welcome to the forum. Really hope your session with the therapist goes well tomorrow. Rest assured you are not alone - I joined the site about a month ago and it really helps knowing that there are lots of supportive people here that understand.

Take care


06-06-06, 12:59
Hi cooper-girl.

I'm new here to, this is my first reply so very nervous, I can confirm that it is possible to get over any anxiety thoughts without medication as I suffered with chronic anxiety and agraphobia for almost 10 years and I have never taken any medication and im slowly getting better with the help of support from my Dad who is my rock.

My GP said he could give me medication but I would possibly need it for the rest of my life because I would become dependant upon it thinking it was only the medication that helped me, he said if i can beat it on my own (with support) then i know at times of stress I will not need to take tablets to cope but will be able to use my own willpower and strength to get me through as I would have done previously.

This site really helps because you know your not alone and voicing it really does help you and others to understand you are not alone.

I've gone through the worst of my anxiety and i can see the light at the end of the tunnel and i just wanted to let anyone who reads this know that it will get better and I have been very very low in the past.

Take care, have confidence that you will get better but dont set a time limit for yourself otherwise you will feel pressured to achieve it and dissapointed if you dont, little gains at your own pace is the way forward.

panicbutton (Sara)

06-06-06, 13:08
Keep us informed of how it goes, and hope its not the result you assume

06-06-06, 14:02
Hi Cooper-girl

Welcome to the forum

Take Care


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But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
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