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16-12-11, 10:22
Does anyone have an headache of some kind every single day?

16-12-11, 10:29
I used to suffer with migraines every day.

Convinced myself i had a brain tumor. Had an MRI and EEG and turns out when I'm stressed or anxious it triggers migraines.

Could also be trapped nerve/weather related/numerous other non-life threatening explanations

16-12-11, 10:43
I have had an headache every single day for weeks.My gp shone a light in my eyes yesterday and made me watch a blue light and follow it and took my pulse and blood pressure etc. I had an ecg at 4.50pm last night and the nurse said my gp would ring me if she was concerned. The nurse said my heart rate was fast but i did feel anxious. I am wondering if my headaches are due to my fast heart rate?? I don't know anymore i wish it would all go away.A few weeks ago i had constant diarrhea and now that's died down i am having headaches every day,off balance and palps, its never ending.

16-12-11, 11:10
They could well be due to that, increased blood pressure can cause headaches but like i said, most things can cause headaches and generally, it's not usually something to worry about!

It's your anxiety causing these symptoms, the ECG is precautionary when you have a fast heart rate just to be on the safe side!

You're working yourself up which in turn will cause your symptoms to increase. You must try to relax or you will carry on in the vicious cycle.

Are you getting enough rest and sleep? Are you drinking enough water? Exercise? All these things are simple ways to reduce not only headaches but the effects of anxiety :flowers:

16-12-11, 11:26
Yes i drink water all day, either bottled water or flavoured teas. Sleep wise i am not sleeping as well as i would like to, when i go to bed i notice my heart beating hard and palps. I usually wake up after about 4hrs and then have unbroken sleep until i get up. My headaches are different to what i am used to, before i got a really deep sharp pain in my right side of my head above my temple and my head feels woozy and off balance. I also woke up this morning with pains under my left armpit. It's getting me down all these symptoms.

16-12-11, 11:32
That sounds to me like an ice pick headache which are caused by stress/tension.

If it's really worrying you that much you need to speak to your GP about it to put your mind at ease but everything you have described are all very common symptoms of anxiety.

I know it's tough and deflating but you need to fight your fears instead of giving into them. If anything was seriously wrong with your heart, the nurse would not have sent you home.

Have you tried taking a pain killer to relieve the headache? does it work?

16-12-11, 11:44
Thanks Andromeda. I have had some co codamol this morning but i still felt the sharp pain. I just have a constant heavy foggy head. I know i think my gp would have rang as well by now, the nurse that gave me my ecg said she wasn't qualified to read it which i thought was odd.

16-12-11, 11:51
If it is ice pick headaches, pain killers don't usually work. You need to relax and relieve tension. So difficult i know but if you do, i promise it will make them better!

No that's perfectly normal, they aren't legally allowed to give you the results only a doctor can.
They know when somethings not right with the reading though and like i said, you would definitely have been contacted by now if anyone was worried about your heart.

Have a hot drink and distract yourself, you'll be fine.

Like i said if the head thing is still causing you distress in a few days, go back to your GP for advice. :hugs:

16-12-11, 12:27
Funny thing is i don't feel stressed all the time and i still get all these symptoms. I keep getting muscle twitches as well.
Thanks for your replies Andromeda i appreciate it x

16-12-11, 14:36
When i saw a neurologist earlier this year due to my headaches, the way he explained it was that because of our heightened anxiety, we put our bodies under a lot of unnecessary stress.

This puts a lot of strain on our nervous system which;

1. Explains the muscle twitches - i used to get them so badly, now i don't at all


2. Explains why the symptoms are there even when we aren't feeling anxious in our heads, it's like an automatic response from the body!

If you rationalize with yourself i think you'd do yourself a lot of favors. In the heat of the anxiety it's so easy to jump to conclusions and very difficult to get yourself back into reality but you have to try, i honestly believe that when something is seriously seriously wrong with you, it will feel completely different to how you feel when you are anxious. As I've said to people before, if you were seriously ill you wouldn't even have time to stop and debate it, let alone post on a forum.

And it's okay we're all here to help each other :hugs:

16-12-11, 14:52
I know every symptom i have had over the last 3 months can be with anxiety but we just think because we feel so ill it must be something else. I always think what other illness would you have so many vague symptoms like diarrhea,stomach pains,bad wind pains,palps,headaches,dizziness,feeling like you can't breath,muscle twitches,numbness,tingling and aches and pains all over your body,fatigue,insomnia etc etc. I have had all these over the last 3 months and i have had all my bloods done and all are ok. I so want to enjoy xmas and be happy and have a drink and celebrate like everyone else will be doing at this time of year.

16-12-11, 15:05
Good for you. Well done for being positive

16-12-11, 15:09
Ha grannymac the positiveness won't last long only until i get another palp or stabbing pain in my head etc and then i think oh no see there is something serious wrong :D

16-12-11, 15:11
The best piece of advice i was ever given was by my grumpy, unforgiving GP before he retired.

After seeing numerous psychiatrists and a psychologists and counselors and consultants who were proposing all sorts of anti depressants and anti-anxiety medication and months of treatment and so on i kind of hit a brick wall.

I went to my GP before i started taking these pills because he had a background in mental health disorders and was incredibly experienced and i said to him;

'i can't help but feel there's a reason why you've never put me on all these mood altering medications...?'

And he said to me that because i am in my 20's, the last thing i want to be doing is messing around with the chemicals in my head. Anxiety is a state of mind and something that is completely within my own control. I choose when the anxiety gets the better of me because i let it. I let it ruin my life. He basically told me to get a grip.

And for me, that worked (obviously some people would completely disagree with his methods but luckily it had the right effect on me)

I was surrounded by empathetic people who pandered to my worries. Having someone be harsh with me was the biggest wake up call i needed because it made me open my eyes to how much i was letting myself suffer.

Sure it's not easy, we're in this for the long haul as everyone has feelings of anxiousness. Sometimes it's going to be worse and sometimes it's going to get better.
But you have to find that strength inside yourself to take control of your life.
There has to be that 'snap' inside of you that says 'I'm not going to let my anxieties control my life anymore'

If you want to enjoy Christmas then you need to let yourself. Push yourself to do the things you don't want to do one step at a time.

I have completely turned my life around in the space of a few months and i was someone who couldn't even leave my house two years ago so if i can do it then you certainly can!!!

16-12-11, 16:33
A gp has just rang and said my ecg was fine and my pulse was fast but she said i must have been anxious and it was nothing to worry about.

16-12-11, 17:46
Great news! Now relax :D

16-12-11, 19:55
Have you looked into the possibility of TMJ Syndrome. I have been through headache hell over the past year, had all sorts of scans, etc. because I basically had a tension headache that started and would never fully go away. It would go up and down but not always when I was stressed and not stressed so it was so hard to figure out. After going to so many different doctors, I finally went to my dentist who said I could have gotten into a vicious cycle of clenching my teeth when I sleep and the more you hurt, the more you clench. I had a bite plate made and was sent to an oralfacial therapist (physio for everything from the shoulders up) who works with a gnathologist (jaw specialist). They really believe most tension headaches and a variety of other aches and pains in the shoulders, neck, jaw, teeth, head, etc. are caused by TMJ Syndrome. This is something that can be fuelled by anxiety but can be remedied from a variety of angles, including modification of way you sleep, routines, diet, stress situations, workplace, etc. I am still on daily doses of oxazepam and amythriptiline (sp?) but am hoping to taper off of them over the next two of three months. If you can believe it, I was at one point on Naproxen 3X a day for 5 months, my pain was so unbearable I couldn't eat or sleep. They think I am an extreme case however. The things that have really helped are acupuncture, shiatsu and aromatherapy. I am just saying that there is hope, and realising that most recurring headaches are caused by some form of TMJ Syndrome (and not tumors or anything else sinister) can be quite comforting and the first step to recovery. The minute they discovered that this was my problem I just broke down crying from relief, disbelief, everything. Good luck to you.

16-12-11, 20:58
I get bad headaches, it can be anxiety related or anxiety-related TMJ.

17-12-11, 09:38
I have a headache every day, I hate it, I dread getting up as I know its going to start, this morning was no different. Doc says its a tension headache, I feel like I have a hat sat on the back of my head constantly