View Full Version : please help panicking about thyroid

16-12-11, 12:09
Hi. I suffer from health anxieities & have for years. I am now in a state of panic. I think I might have an enlarged thyroid. I noticed a couple of weeks ago when I was looking in the mirror that there is a protruding lump when I swallow lower down in my neck. It is central so am assuming it is my thyroid. I had a cyst on one side of my thryoid a few years ago which was harmless & they drained it several times & it went away after a few months. I dont know whether it has always been prominent or whether it is enlarged??I do imagine things sometimes but I can definately see it.I am now imagining all sorts of things & worrying like mad.My husband says its normal to have a lump when you swallow but I keep looking at other people & cant see it? Please help xx

paula lynne
16-12-11, 14:47
The sooner you go to see your GP and ask for a blood test, the sooner you will be able to relax and enjoy Xmas. See if you can get in asap. I understand your anxiety over this, and it stems from the cyst I expect. Im sure it will be alright, the sooner you get a definative result, the better.
Best wishes, Paula x

16-12-11, 22:35
I am a past advisor for a thryoid charity and can only agree with previous poster. It sounds like its just your normal female adams apple or as much as we have one moving when you swallow. Thryoid lumps tend to be prominent when you turn your head to one side and they tend to stick out on the side not the front of the neck BUT I am not a Dr and cannot see you but your Dr will be able to feel your thryoid gland and tell you straight away if they think it is enlarged and they can also do a thryoid blood test that will tell them if all is well.

Try and see your Dr before xmas or this will ruin your xmas and its just as likely to be normal anatomy as anything to do with your thryoid.

17-12-11, 08:47
Thankyou both of you. I am in a real state. have managed to get a docs appt for Monday. The lump is very central,in the dip of my throat. It is visible when I swallow & I can feel it quite easily.I have tried turning my head to the sides but cant see anything at the sides. The cyst I had before was on one of the side lobes. I am paranoid about cancer & in a state of panic. I will see doc Monday but if they book me in for bloods I doubt it will all be done & dusted by xmas so i am worrying that xmas will be ruined for me :( I have been onto patient.co.uk & have read about thyroid swelling. I know there are reasons such as overactive thyroid etc but I always have to think the worst. Thanks for replying x

17-12-11, 21:18
I agree that you should see your doctor again to be reassured.
My friend had a thyroid lymphoma, her thyroid was swollen and it was visible all the time, not only when she swallowed as yours is. She also had other symptoms. Ask your doctor, but it really sounds like nothing!