View Full Version : Something else to worry about?

05-06-06, 16:52
Hi everyone,
I thought I was getting over this stuff and was really starting to feel I was managing to control these horrible symptons. But, now I'm worrying about fainting with the symptons. The last PA I had caused my BP to drop quickly causing me for the first time to feel like I was going to pass out. Now my focus seems to be this along with the usual chest pain and left arm pain.

Your thoughts and advice are very much needed.

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

08-06-06, 16:11
Hi shaz, glad I found your post. For the last few days I have had pain in my left arm - not terribly painful but annoying. It feels like a dead weight! Also chest pain pretty much on a daily basis. Right arm ok. Strange this anxiety - it seems to creep about your body and has a little dig every now and again to keep you on your toes?

Has your pain gone yet?

Janie xxx

08-06-06, 16:55
hia :) i get these feelings all the time that im goin to pass out i also go very distant so it does seem that its just another symptom,Its almost as if the panic says well you can cope with that one now but how about this one and throws something else at you

08-06-06, 17:23
Yeah I'm with you all the way on that one Chedda. Just when I was beginning to get a handle on the chest pain - wham!!! here's a numb arm and I'm going to make your left hand shake as well!!!

And today, whilst waiting in a queue, I got the strangest bubbling air (only way I can describe it) sensation under the left side of my rib cage - only lasted a minute or so but have never felt it before. Like my body was creaking. Weird. Keep smiling and meet all the new and whacky sensations head on. xxxx

13-06-06, 21:20
Thanks for your replies. I haven't been on line for a while and it's great to see that I'm not the only one. I can't believe that you have the same idea as me, that you get used to one sympton and then it gives you another to try and cope with. I've been Ok for a week or so and today I have been getting little bubble feelings in my throat, which is another odd one.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

13-06-06, 22:58

I have suffered many different symptoms for years. Including the symptoms you mention. It is all good old anxiety. Just go with it and eventually, the symptoms will hopefully go

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

14-06-06, 20:41
I've not had a brilliant day today, but when I log on to this site and read your comments and support it really does make a difference - thanks. It seems strange that my anxiety builds when I have less to do and the pressure is less - I've just completd my first year at uni. and have a lot less to do, but have this throat and chest thing again.

Do you experience anxiety at particular times?

Thanks all for your support.


What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

15-06-06, 07:05

im so glad i saw your post, i only joined yesterday and ive posted loads already, ive got the same prob with my arm, yesterday my right arm hurt today my left, also got funny tingling,its doing my head in and i dont wanna worry but its so hard not to.:)

hope ya feeling better 2day

15-06-06, 20:35
Thanks, I am feeling better today - although the football was enough to test anyones nerves! I've just had the occasional palp. but I used to have the tingling you mention in my hands and fingers. This is due to hyperventerlating or shallow chest breathing. I found that deep breathing in for 7 out for 11 from the stomach and diaphragm sorted it. Have ago it should help.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

Two heads
15-06-06, 23:54
My symptons change all the time!And i do find i feel worse when i have less to do.I just think the best way to deal with that horrid feeling of panic when it comes is to make yourself side tract if you no what i mean.The chest pain is so normal as with the arm, so dont go worrying to much as you will end up with more panic!!
You will be finexxx

polly daydream
16-06-06, 12:21
Hi Shaz, maybe you could borrow a couple of children to look after, that will keep you busy and should take your mind of things, unless you have some of your own. I am also a student and have one more week to do at college, then through the holidays I look after a friends child while she goes to work, it helps a bit, although I still get the odd anxious thought.
This will at least give you something to do during the holidays, assuming you have nothing to do that is.
Hope you don't mind me suggesting this, only it helps me.

Take it easy,

Polly. xx

Two heads
18-06-06, 17:43
I must admit i find that can help!If im busy with mine i tend not to be so bad.But if they are having a bad day it tends to make me more anxious.xxx

18-06-06, 20:32
Thanks Polly being around children does take your mind off things. I work with children and like Bong have two of my own. They are great fun and keep me very busy, which does help, but does not take away the fear of my hubbie having another heart attack.

Thanks again for your good advice and the chance to chat.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

polly daydream
19-06-06, 03:05
Fair enough, I would also be anxious about that too, as I said in the last post, you have been through a very traumatic time, so it is understandable that you feel this way.
Try not to worry to much hun, it might never happen.

Best wishes,

Polly x