View Full Version : Changing Symptoms

16-12-11, 14:17
Does anyone else get this - ie starting with one major health worry, diagnosing it as some kind of cancer and then it mutating to slightly different related symptomes and another kind of cancer to torture yourself with?

I'll explain. My latest obsession started about three months ago as thinking I had oesophageal cancer - I was having problems with a tight throat and having difficulty swallowing - amongst other strange, vague symptoms - tongue felt painful/sore as though I had cramp in it and it felt like something was stuck at the back of my nose/roof of mouth (yes I know this sounds odd!)

I was nearly hysterical at the time but the swallowing thing is gone now, so I can now accept I don't have oesophageal cancer. But the tongue/nose thing has remained and come to the fore. I didn't worry too much at first but then for some reason I started 'poking about' and I found a lump on the roof of my mouth. I don't know if it's just normal anatomy or just something harmless, but ever since i found it, it has become achey and I have been convinced it's some kind of oral/nasal cancer. It feels like a very small , hard, sticky out piece of bone in the centre of the roof of my mouth. On top of this, I also have deveoped a persistant headache - in my forehead just abnove and between my eyes. As I don't have any other sinus symptoms, to me this backs up the cancer theory. So now I'm back to square one and obsessing and very anxious again.

I am starting to question my own sanity and am embarrassed and ashamed at constantly obsessiog about my health. Any reassurance would be very welcome before I go absolutley bonkers with worry!! :wacko:

16-12-11, 14:49
I think it's very common.

Unless the underlying issues are dealt with, health anxiety will manifest itself wherever possible and we all have our own little things that niggle at us and make our anxiety worse.

While i don't believe in running to your GP every time you have an ache or worry, if you are experiencing symptoms that are causing you real distress i think it's always worth a trip. The real art is trusting your doctor and not letting your own imagination get carried away.

Because of our health anxiety, any abnormality in the body is scrutinized by our google diagnosing mind, that 'inner intuition' is heightened because of our nervous state and the fight or flight response kicks in.

You need to think about it calmly and ask yourself 'what are the chances that this is cancer' because i can guarantee you there are a million other explanations for the symptoms that are far more likely than cancer or any other serious illness.

It's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, many people suffer in silence and at least by openly discussing it, you are on your way to recovery :hugs:

paula lynne
16-12-11, 14:52
Hi there x
Replacing one health obsession with another is all too common, as Im sure you know. Its breaking the cycle thats difficult. CBT is supposed to be excellent at helping this type of anxiety, have you discussed this with your GP? Your headache sounds like stress, although it may be worth seeing your optician if its persisted for a while. Do you wear glasses? Do you spend quite a few hours in front of the laptop?
Paula x

16-12-11, 14:56
Also I'd like to add that cancer is not a death sentence anymore. Many people recover and go on to live happy and healthy lives.

I have had loved ones who have died of cancer so it's easy to associate the two things but I've also had loved ones who have fully recovered so worrying about cancer constantly will only cause you unnecessary stress and ilness

19-12-11, 11:35
Thanks for taking time to reply, It's good advice and reassuring. Just need to make sure I listen now. xx