View Full Version : worried there is something wrong with my heart!

16-12-11, 14:34
Hi guys, I hope someone can help on this one before I go into a full blown panic. It started last night with the feeling of something being stuck in my tube, where my heart is, it felt different fromheartburn and also made the upper middle part of my back ache as well. It was really uncomfortable so I went to bed to try to sleep it off. Anyway when I woke up this morning I felt fine, but from about 9am I have had it back, and its still there, I have had some gaviscon and some milk, but it is still there, it just feels like somat is stuck down there, or something is inflammed! When I have had heartburn before it has only lasted a couple of hours, why has this lasted nearly 2 days, I am really worried :-(

16-12-11, 14:44
hi MVP the feeling your getting is just really another problem we get of anxiety .because your mind is focusing on that sensation your brain will be racing with doom thoughts but try and focus on something youve done in the past like lying on a beach on a summers day i would say concentrate on your breathing exercises but that dont work for me but at the same time try to tell your brain that its only anxiety and shout out to your brain stop this in most cases tells .your brain the fear is over and say to mr anxiety come on do your worst it wont harm me but maybe a wee checkup with your doctor to just be reassured its nothing else hope that helps you a bit .