View Full Version : Overcoming Panic Attacks

16-12-11, 16:18
Hey all,

As someone who has overcome panic attacks, I thought I'd post my (summarized) story.

I used to (and occasionally still do) suffer with insomnia. It used to be a hell of a lot worse than it is now. When I went to my doctor, he barely gave my circumstances any thought and put me on a short term course of sleeping pills.

Unfortunately, it seems that the course gave me panic attacks as a side effect. I remember the first one I had as if it were yesterday. It was pretty terrifying.

To cut a long story short, it got to the point where pretty much every area of my life was being adversely affected. I couldn't even get my hair cut, for fear of triggering a panic attack.

But you know what? I beat it. With a combination of medication (Citalopram) and cognitive behavioral therapy, I got over my panic attacks. The whole experience probably lasted two years from start to finish.

I'm amazed that I am completely over my panic attacks now. I always thought that there would be a residual level of anxiety, or "mini" panic attacks, but they have pretty much completely gone.

So if you feel like there's no way out, believe me, there is! I got to pretty much the lowest point possible, and I've managed to work all my way out of it.

One more thing - please seek the support of your friends and family. I pretty much kept everything to myself, and that was a terrible thing to do. It really is no fun going through panic attacks without anyone knowing it.

Get in touch if you'd like! :)



21-12-11, 21:49
Thank you for sharing your success story :)