View Full Version : Tired all the time even though I sleep well

16-12-11, 16:27
Hi everyone, I haven't been on here for a while I was panic free for over a year but I got badly hurt by an ex boyfriend so here I am again suffering with panic, depression, everything. Since Ive had all these problems all I want to do is sleep. I feel too exhausted to even get out of bed, Its scaring me so much, I went to my doctors and she said it will pass but Ive had it for weeks now, Im frightened its M.E and I will end up in a wheel chair, since the tiredness has started I haven't left the house, Im so worried I will collapse with exhaustion, any advice would be a great help :scared10::scared10::scared10:

16-12-11, 19:10
Hi there,

Sorry you've been through a tough time that's set you back so horribly =(
It'e true that it will no doubt pass -exhaustion/chronic fatigue is a common symptom of depression and anxiety - I've had periods of exhaustion before, I know it's horrible.
My advice would be just take it easy for a while (I know, that's all you can do at present!), and when you can, start doing little things, taking little walks down the road or something similar, to build yourself up. Don't push yourself, your body and mind need some time to get their strength back up after you've taken a hit.
Obviously go back to the doctors if nothing begins to improve soon, and explain that it's worrying you.
All the very best,

Hannah x

16-12-11, 20:57
thankyou so much for your advice, its really helpful and gives me hope x

17-12-11, 00:26
First things first, don't beat yourself up about a 'setback'...it happens to the best of us!
Sometimes I notice that if I have had a particularly tough time (with guys, uni etc.) not only do I get more anxious, but I also get EXHAUSTED. It might just be the anxiety and worrying that makes you feel like that. I am confident that it will pass, too. Just take some time to work your way back up to doing everyday things.

Elizabeth :)