View Full Version : worried about tomoro

16-12-11, 18:51
Hey everyone, well ive been doing pretty well lately with anx, no panic attacks just the occasional wobble but tomoro im taking my daughter to a large busy play area with a few of my friends and their kids, i was fine about this till one of my friends said if u feel ill just tell me!!!!!! Now im freaking out!!! we are mena be eating after too which is one of my hardest things to do! I really wanna do it as my friends travveled for this but im scared im gonna suddenly feel ill and want to leave! theres gonna be around 5 people there and i dont wanna make a big scene. I never used to be like this im so angry at myself. xxxx

william wallace
16-12-11, 18:57
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. (Dale Carnegie)

16-12-11, 19:13
Hey helen.

Take i nice few deep breaths. Now you will have a fantasic time just go with the flow hun :)


16-12-11, 20:10
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

Nice, I like it !

I think you will feel worse if you don't go to be honest. What do you mean by 'feel ill', you mean panicking ?

16-12-11, 20:34
Helen when I went trough this fase I used to take my SOS medication (diazepam) with me ... just in case ... and most of the time I did not have to take it, but just knowing it was there I felt better ... and remember you will be with friends, so give yourself a chance to have a good time ... and enjoy it !
Take care ...

18-12-11, 22:00
Thanx to all for your support :) Well after feeling awfull all morning getting worried about it etc i went stayed in the kids place for around 3 hours!!!! didnt panic once, not even dizzyness etc then........ i went for a meal at a posh restaurant!!!! And achually ate it lol. Im so pleased that i managed to do it, and it really did prove to me that anything can be done and if we dont force ourselves known again to do something we cant solve the problems we are having!!!! xxxxxx

william wallace
18-12-11, 22:05
Go Girl:)

19-12-11, 02:05
Well done!!:yesyes:

20-12-11, 02:36