View Full Version : Going out really makes me anxious!

16-12-11, 19:33
HEY GUYS, hope everyone is well.

I was wondering if anyone here gets very anxious when they have to go out. I work on weekends and I go to school 3 days a week. I'm ok when I'm home(I try to exercise as much as I can with sit-ups, push-ups, yoga, Pilates and sometimes weights and I also walk with my mom and cousins a lot to the local shop as much as often as I can).

But anytime I know I have to go somewhere(especially alone), I get so anxious that I can't even breathe. I feel like my nostrils and throat is dry and closing up, my chest gets tight, heart races, feeling really hot, like I'm being strangled, sometimes trembling. Last night I went grocery shopping with my mom and I couldn't even go into the shop.:mad: It's like I can't control my breathing even though I breathe fine when I exercise.

I have to go to school and work in a few and I just arranged for a cab to take me because I feel so miserable in buses. The problem is all the money I'm wasting(money that I don't have a lot of). My parents don't know about me taking cabs cuz they would be mad at me wasting money. Imagine I used to walk to work but one time I had a panic attack when walking alone that now I take a cab and my job is like half a mile away from my house.

Does anyone get this at all?:weep:

16-12-11, 21:04
I completely relate to you Mark.

Unfortunately, the only way to overcome this is to push yourself into these uncomfortable situations and work your way through them instead of running away or avoiding.

I know it's super difficult but start small.

Walk round the block by yourself? Go to the local shop? Listen to your ipod so you can't hear your heart beat as you walk. It will be tough but persevere.

Build yourself up to be able to walk to school/work again.

By avoiding it you are fueling the fire and creating more anxiety for yourself.

Why are you so afraid? Because you may have a panic attack? Well so what if you do? It can't kill you. You need to go through thought processes like this in your head and try to be realistic about the situation.


16-12-11, 22:55
Hey mate, sorry you have had time of late....I must agree with andromeda here, by avoiding walking to school or work you are adding fuel to your anxiety and this will in turn create more unpleasant situations.....

Remember it is your thoughts and you have the power to take it all back! Scary in the moment I know.....

I have found a lot of help from Dr Claire Weekes stuff on anxiety and agoraphobia.... If you have iTunes search for her audio book on help for your nerves.... It's great.

What I must say is well done for keeping on working and going to school!!!!

Pm me when ever you like.
