View Full Version : drink or diazapam?

16-12-11, 20:02
hi guys ,
i suffer sever anxiety nd agaraphobia and dont take any meds have read some nightmares,recently ive been makeing small trips out with the aid of alchohol which seems to help now do i stick with that or go down the route of diazapam which my doc wants me to try?which is more addictive in your opinion?

thanks andy

16-12-11, 20:22
I think it's time for another doc Darren.

No, don't use alcohol as a tool to cope, trust me, in the long run you will end up in a worse state than you are in now.

Diazapam has it's place, but that place is for short term treatment of severe anxiety. Taken on an "as needed" basis (I used to use it for flying, meetings etc) then its fine.

Taking it as a long term coping drug? well I am pretty sure most GP's would recommend against this (historically it was given on repeat prescriptions).

It's not about what you can take to cope and nothing else, the key to success is finding why you have the anxiety.

Anxiety is almost always caused by thoughts. the way you think, react, is directly linked to the way you feel.

I would speak to your GP (or another GP?) and ask to be referred for further help, with a specialist. There are a lot methods to try that are more "gentle" (for want of a better word) than alcohol or Diazapam.

Good luck


16-12-11, 21:26
Id ditch the drink and take ur docs advise and take a short course of diazepam, alcohol increases depression and anxiety whilst diazepam calms the symptoms down...obviously its not a permentent cure as they can become addicted as can alcohol but diff is alcohol will heighten ur symptoms whilst diaz will help u cope better without the need for alcohol until u get urself back on an even keel again, i use diazepam on an as i need it basis and it works well xx

17-12-11, 16:55
Do not self medicate with alcohol, its a slippery slope and your anxiety will be much worse long term. I should know, I used to do this and it got worse and worse, in the end you will be a full on alcoholic, this is not the way to deal with it.