View Full Version : hemmoroids

16-12-11, 21:23
Hi just a quick question sometimes after passing a stool i notice bright red blood on toilet roll after wiping, after a few times of wiping the blood lessons then stops is that normal?

16-12-11, 23:15
Hi Trevstan, no blood like that isn't normal, but bright red blood normally indicates a tear just inside, like an anal fissure. It can also be a symptom of polyps which your doctor can easily remove for you. Best thing is to pop to the doctors so he can check you over, good luck :).

17-12-11, 00:30
Yup! Don't worry too much about it. I had the same thing happen a few years back and FREAKED OUT. I went to the doctor and he said that bright red blood is nothing to worry about, if it were blackish, then you should go straight to the doctor, but if it is bright red, it indicates that it is from the 'end' of the digestive tract (ie, hemorrhoids or a anal fissure) because the blood hasn't had time to change colour.

You might want to see the doctor anyway if it is uncomfortable, but chances are it is nothing dangerous!

Hope this helps :)

17-12-11, 00:33
piles and or a fissure - we get loads and loads of posts about this and they are all harmless in the end

17-12-11, 01:25
I did have a colonoscopy done about 3 month ago and all came back clear.

But i do have the odd time once every 2 weeks or so where i have blood on the stool sometimes or on the tissue after wiping then i get nothing more.

I guess i shouldn't worry since i have had a colonoscopy? How far up can you get a fissue or piles?

17-12-11, 01:38
maybe you need to look at your diet especially if you are passing hard stools and u are constipated?

17-12-11, 01:39
On the other hand if you are like me and rarely have a normal hard stool then it is common too

17-12-11, 01:52
It's probably an anal fissure, I get them quite often, nothing to worry about really.

17-12-11, 03:54
Yeah normally it's hard little pellets at first then softens up afterward's... Not really contipated tho i do have to strain to get my stool out.

The blood isn't all the time just i get distressed everytime i see it.

17-12-11, 05:57
Ive actually been having that too. Not wanting to get into the tmi grose side of things but Ive noticed it happens when my bowels are playing up and I need to go often in one day.

My gp asked me if I get blood when I wipe or do I see it in the bowl and I was more worried about the couple of times in the last couple of months of small blood showing in my poo. Anyhow I told her only in the bowl and wish I said sometimes it happens when I wipe too. I am going for poo samples which I start on Monday because I had my menses this week.

I am assuming though that the testing will tell anything but I feel like I didnt give my gp full information.

Anyway I would just like to say I had what you described for months now and I dont think its anything serious like life threatening.

17-12-11, 11:42
Hi have had hemorrhoids on and off for about 20 years (they are a pain in the bum in more ways than 1).
I find if you are constipated on of the best things to do is lean forward when you are on the loo ie: lean forward nearly touching your ankles as it helps to easy the passing of stools and stops you from straining which can cause piles.

17-12-11, 14:37
If it's bright red, then it's coming from just inside the anus, therefore probably piles. I've had them often, but I find that by drinking much more water and eating more fruit, my stools are much softer and easier to pass.... so I hardly ever get blood now. only if I eat too much bread or stuff like that, which 'blocks me up' and makes me strain.

My recommendation: drink more water, eat more fruit and veg as they contain fibre. :)