View Full Version : Getting rid of my books and offering advice

05-06-06, 18:08
Hi there. I am new to this forum and the main reason for my posting is that further to my recovery, I no longer need all my books on anxiety / panic attacks. I thought some of you might be interested in buying them second hand as I know from experience, they can be pricey. I am selling them on ebay with free postage the link is below, which can be copied into your browser.


They are all really good books and have really helped me and many are hard to get hold of.

I would also love to hear from any of you that just need a chat. I know how painful eveything you are going through is, as I suffered for six years and never thought I'd be normal again. So please fee free to email me even if you just want a moan or some advice. Thanks for reading

05-06-06, 21:18
Hi Mogseb,

Your list of books is impressive. I have now purchased one & I look forward to reading it. I am so glad that you have overcome your anxiety - it's good to hear about people who do come out the other side, it gives us all hope. Thank you.

If you ever get the chance to write abit about your story & how you managed to recover I would love to read it.

06-06-06, 11:34
Thanks for you reply. I will be more than happy to share my experiences with you. I am at work now, so will do this when I have sometime at home, tonight or tomorrow night xx

06-06-06, 14:26
Hello mogseb, I'm new to the forum aswell, it gives people hope to know people can get over there anxiety.

I myself am getting over my anxiety slowly but surely and i hope it helps others to know that you can achieve getting over it, that you wont be like it forever like i thought i would be until i was dertermined enough that i would not let it rule my life that i wanted my life back and like many people seek help on here its the first steps of getting over it/wanting to get over it and chatting about it really does help lots. I suffer with chronic anxiety i worry about anything and everything that you can think of and i also have agraphobia i cant go out the house on my own only with support from my dad i have been like this for 10 years and like i say im starting to get over it now but its not easy at all.

Please could you give me any advice that you found helped you.

panicbutton (Sara)

06-06-06, 21:50
Hi panicbutton,

I think you have nailed it on the head when you say that you were tired of panic ruling your life & that you wanted it back. I too am slowly recovering & that is what is my motivation - the desire to get my life back to stop it from completely taking over my life. Your right it is not easy - but there are so many people who have made it work and sites like this do help to keep us going on the road to recovery. Like you I worry about anything & everything but am totally fed up with being like that. I know deep down that life is for living not worrying all the time - and gradually the real truth of that is starting to dawn on me. When panic & anxiety have been so much a part of lives it is very hard to change these habits but it can be done. I would love to hear what tactics you have used to help you on the road to recovery.