View Full Version : is it possible...

16-12-11, 21:35
To have more than one panic attack in a row/in a small amount of time?

16-12-11, 21:39
That is possible. The good thing is that at some point the panic will 'peak' i.e. reach a point where it can't get any worse. It is horrible I know but if you can ride out the panic that is the only way to beat it. EJ

16-12-11, 21:46
Yes ... been there myself a few times ... as EJ said, there is a point it cannot go any worse ... our brain can only release so much adrenaline so it will go away ... just let it pass do not fight against it ... try to think positive and it will pass !!
Take care
Good:hugs: Luck

17-12-11, 03:45
Yes ... An ER doctor told me they can come in cycles or waves. One time I had three separate attacks within an hour or so. Scared me so bad thought it would never end. It did eventually...once I was able to stop producing scary thoughts and just focus on my breathing.

17-12-11, 10:35
I think so yeah. I sometimes used to panic...then about 10 minutes later I'd then have a mini panic attack about when the next one would come


17-12-11, 17:14
Yes! I've had this quite a few times!
It only seems to happen though when i'm worrying about having another one and then the worry itself will turn into another full blown panic attack.

17-12-11, 20:39
Yes, I've had them too and like virgo199060 it seems to be when am worrying about having another and they are really scary. Hugs xxx

18-12-11, 14:40
YES, Have had 2 in one night. Multiple panic attacks tend to be the worst and I end up staying in my room for days afterwards. :(