View Full Version : Having a bit of a panic attack :(

17-12-11, 00:26
Well my HA is sky high lately, it's usually so bad in the winter I can't stand it, but anywho my latest worry is me getting pregnant on the Pill :blush:
I've been on it for 2 months now on the first month I had sex but took the morning after pill as I forgot that the Pill is affected by anti biotics, obviously I wasn't preggers as I got my period as normal, and I haven't had sex this month as I was very ill and vomiting so me and my boyfriend didn't want to risk it.
I can't have sex this month either as once again I'm on anti biotics.
But I'm worried as after this month I do plan on having sex with my boyfriend again but I'm scared my BC won't work and I'll become pregnant.
I was on BC last year and a bit of this year but decided to have a break and it did work great but I'm scared now I'm back on the same one it won't work, I'm really panicking and freaking out I'll end up pregnant. What are my chances? I'll have been on it for 4 months by the time its January. I'm so scared and I feel silly for worrying about something thats not even happened yet. Someone help please ?:(

17-12-11, 01:13
Just a suggestion, but if it's causing you that much distress why don't you use a condom as well?

17-12-11, 13:12
We can't use condoms as it triggers off cystitis for some reason not sure if I'm allergic to them or not but either way its pretty painful lol, which is why I'm on the Pill