View Full Version : constantly worried about my heart

17-12-11, 04:02
I've been suffering from severe panic attacks in addition to anxiety on and off for 11 years now. I have had thorough medical examinations in the past that include multiple ECG's and an ECHO when I first started having issues at 17 (I'm now 29 years old). I have never had a stress test or a holter though. I have not had any issues until February of this year. I had a bout of the flu and went into the hospital emergency care center to see if I needed an antibiotic. The medical staff rushed me into this chair to take my vitals and I became extremely nervous and my blood pressure went through the roof (170/100), causing the nurse to be concerned, questioning if I was having cardiac problems.

Since that initial attack all year I have been having problems with panic attacks and irrational fears. I'm always worried about my blood pressure in addition to my heart. I'm constantly checking my pulse and I become scared during routine checkups when they are about to put the cuff around my arm (always expecting the worst). I'm sure like a lot of others I equate my anxiety symptoms (lightheadedness, palpatations, tightness in chest, back/chest pain, cant sit still, shaking, sweating, racing heart etc.) to some physical problem. My psychiatrist prescribed me effexor xr 150mg in addition to .25 of xanax on an as needed basis. The crazy part is I run distance 3-5 days a week approximately 3-4.5 miles a day and when I cant run I do vigorous aerobic exercise for 45-50 minutes without stopping. I have no family history of heart disease. My blood pressure has been elevated during each doctors exam (130/80 range) but this is probably due to panic. I had a full blood workup and my doctor commented that my cholesterol is good.

At one point I purchased a blood pressure monitor for at home but I had to get rid of it because I was taking It all the time and It was creating more anxiety. Worrying about my blood pressure spiking during panic and anxiety is actually raising my blood pressure. I cant seem to shake this phobia.... I had an additional ECG in March of this year and everything turned out normal yet I'm still worried every time I get a panic attack that It was a cardiac event or the onset of heart disease or some sort of undiagnosed condition. All day I am fatigued from adrenaline overkill, I cant sleep due to worry and when I'm not having panic attacks I am generally nervous all day causing my mind to race.

I apologize for the lengthy post. I had to vent. It has been very rough the last few months.

17-12-11, 06:47
Ugh, I know how you feel! I am 29 years old too and have had multiple EKGs, 24 hour holter monitor, chest x rays... These are just the heart tests you wouldn't believe my list for tests I've had for stomach and brain worries!!! It is so hard for us to not think a panic attack is a cardiac event when it brings about such terrible feelings in the chest region. I get tightness, pains, extremely fast heart rate... My mind always goes to the worse. I just keep telling myself that it's just panic, no harm will come to me if I just breathe and think calming thoughts.

I also barrowed my moms blood pressure monitor several weeks ago and I can see I'm also becoming obsessed wih taking my vitals throughout the day. I've tried to only do it once a day, but I thinks that's even too much. Because god forbid that one reading is a little high or a little low.. It just ruins my day. We will get through this... We just have to have faith that all our tests can't be wrong and that we are healthy. My CBT therapist tells me to look into the mirror every morning and say out loud "I am healthy" "I can handle anything that comes my way" or "I will keep calm and relaxed today". It sounds so cheesy and you don't have to even believe the affirmations. Just by saying it aloud, everyday, your brain will start to believe it. Can't hurt to try it. :)

17-12-11, 14:30
It's as if you had written my life story during the past 3 1/2 years.

My heart has been my main worry since having my first panic attack... I've had so many tests, blood works, ECG, 24 hr holter, stress test, CT scan and even coronary MRI. All test results were normal. They still are. The only thing that was picked up was a slight blockage in the electrical connection in the right side of the heart, which is normal in about 50% of people and causes no symptoms, so I don't worry about it.

Your blood pressure reading of 130/80 sounds normal to me...you can check blood pressure charts on websites like the British Blood Pressure Association. I've had the same reading and my doc said it was normal.

Why do you have such a fear of heart problems? I do because there is a history of premature heart disease on my father's side of the family. My father had a heart attack in his early 40s, and one of his brother's had on in his 40s (both survived and have had successful treatment since). Their other brother died in his 50s of heart attack, but he was a smoker. So, That's why I freak out about it. I'm 39, so in my anxious mind i'm getting near to 'my time'!

Doctors have reassured me that despite the family history, my risk is low, as I'm not overweight (77kg / 1m79), I don't smoke and I don't drink. My cholesterol is also normal, as I take OMEGA 3 supplements daily to increase HDL and reduce LDL. My triglycerides are normal.

I really sympathize with you, as I've struggled with it for a 3 years... I get good days and bad days, and I make much fewer trips to ER than I used to.