View Full Version : Stuck in this cycle

17-12-11, 15:08
Of not going out , which makes my anxiety and depression worse which leads me not wanting to get out.
It seems so self inflicted even though I hate the boredom n loss Of social contact .
The weather doesn't help either as I walk every where bit today was sunny n I regret not going for a walk.
I don't know what problem is! :(

17-12-11, 18:02
I had sever agoraphobia for 2 years and didn't leave the house. Even stepping outside my front door would bring on severe panic attacks.
The best thing that my mum has ever done for me is forcing me to go out. She would literally drag me out kicking and screaming, but eventually I got over the fear. I found that going to a quiet place like a garden centre or something like that can really help as you're getting out of the house, it'll never be overly crowded and If you need to get out, you can.
I started going to my local garden centre once a week and by the end of the year I was out and about all the time!
I hope that helps!

---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------


17-12-11, 18:04
Hi Mishel, its so difficult but do try if you can to get out for a bit. Even if its just to a shop to buy something and speak to the person who serves you. It is probably the very last thing you want to do but I can honestly tell you that it does help to just have that bit of interaction with others.

If you can get yourself to do it, try and go out and meet a friend for a while. Even if you dont talk about yourself, it might give you a sense of perspective if you listen to them chatting and you might be able to provide them with someone to talk to or just for company.

I do know how you feel. Ive got to go out in about 40 mins for a meal with my sister,her husband, my best friend and about 10 other people I dont know that well. Im still in my dressing gown from this morning, havent even brushed my hair, had a huge row with my partner today, having horrible scary thoughts and literally cannot be bothered to talk to anyone. It would be so much easier to stay in and just fall asleep after my son goes to bed BUT I am forcing myself to go because I dont wanna let them down by cancelling but also because I know its a good thing to do for my state of mind.
I will post back on this thread and let you know how I got on if you like - might make you feel inspired :)

I did say I would come back and say how it was, it didnt exactly go to plan as my friend went into labour 4 weeks early while in the restaurant and had to be rushed to hospital!! She had a baby boy an hour later. A great story to tell and shows how unpredictable life is and you never know whats round the corner.

17-12-11, 20:37
HAha ya I do often feel like I NEED someone to make me get off my butt, as afterwards I usually feel better for going out.
I do have good days too but I really struggle to keep my motivation up.
Maybe I should try a reward system , where if I do x amount of stuff I'll treat my self to something...
Glad to hear your still managing to get out and about :)
The fear of letting people down is what gets me moving lol so in a way its good to have people to meet even if at times you resent it.

aw I get that anticipation anxiety so by the time I need to go somewhere I have tottally freaked myself out, but I do try to remind myself that I will be happy I went.
I like to get ready early as it sorta mentally prepares me fpr going out, all that rushing around just makes me worse.

17-12-11, 21:41
I understand what you mean Mishel, the motivation is the hardest part. The more I build up a situation the worse it gets, so try not to make a big deal out of it, just do it before you think too much about it.!