View Full Version : 6.6.06

05-06-06, 21:39
Anyone else nervous about this date from people saying its the end of the world and all that?

05-06-06, 21:47
Well I guess we will find out tomorrow. Not a lot we can do but at a guess it is superstition.

There are loads of dates in history like that that have passed without incident so I wouldn't let it worry you ok?

Did you know that I was due to be born on 6.6.66 but was early by 10 days. That would have been freaky!


05-06-06, 21:47
Hmmm, I must be out of touch, didn't know anyone had said it WILL be the end of the earth!

So, no, doesn't bother me in the slightest :D


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

05-06-06, 22:15
woo hoo, well I won't have to worry about my anxiety anymore from tomorrow then will I, what a relief eh !!!

Aren't we told this one every few years and we are all still here.

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

05-06-06, 23:11
Completely passed me by that one! No worries if it ends it ends!! lol

Take care

'This too will pass'

05-06-06, 23:15
lol yea, i was just wondering cuz ppl were freaking me out but then i thought.. theres 666 in the date every 10 years


etc.. so yea. =P

06-06-06, 03:38
Oh yeah -
bunches are saying that the world will end. Some are saying the antichrist will be born. I've even heard of women who say they won't give birth 6-6-06 because of it! Which how they are going to stop THAT if it is meant to be I'd sure like to hear -lol
I'm not scared of it tho
I figure that whatever is meant to happen will happen whether I am worrying about it or not :)


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

06-06-06, 04:05
Well i take it im still here unless its a dream lol
If i had seen your post before now id have panicked big time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats why i panic the thought of ever dying an the end of the world sounds silly when i type it but god its horrible!
Nevermind though its the 7th an im still here!!!
stacey xxxxx


06-06-06, 05:23
Its 2PM 6/6/06 here already and alls fine

Don't believe everything you think.

06-06-06, 07:33
I share Trac's opinion on that one.


*** Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.***

06-06-06, 09:49
hi iam not bothered about 6-6-06 because it is my birthday today i am 49 and i am thinking it could be the day i could get conrol over my panic attacks and anxiety so i am thinking positive love marg

marie ross
06-06-06, 10:04
Hi Marg

Happy Birthday!!! Good thinking!!!

take care.

Marie XXX

06-06-06, 11:54
soo its the 7th across sea and 6:52am of the 6th here... think we're gonna be ok? lol

06-06-06, 12:49
Something strange happened today...................

I walked past the choccy machine and didnt buy anything [:P]


06-06-06, 14:30
Well here we are hun

Just another day. Apparently George W Bush got himself in a right old state about it a few months ago (Abit silly i think seeing as he is supposed to the President Of America)


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

06-06-06, 22:49
If someone hadn't arbitrarily decided to start counting days from the (assumed) date of birth of a carpenter's son in Palestine, and if some other people hadn't tampered with the calendar extensively since, today wouldn't probably have any sixes in it, let alone three. What date is it in the Muslim calendar?
I really think you will be fine and will wake up tomorrow to a world rather a lot like the one you went to sleep in tonight.
Just a guess!
Enjoy every day.

06-06-06, 23:49
10 minutes to go and no world exploding yet

When i read this post I did get myself really worked up but then rationalised it. I even went to see the omen!

Hope you've had an ok day xx

07-06-06, 03:19
Well the day has past and everything is okay. Whew! Sophie you are brave to go see that movie, not me.


07-06-06, 13:29
good job no one told me the world was meant to end! i would have freaked lol
i actually had a good day yesturday (6/6/06), think my 2 year old got his days wrong...he was like the devil himself on the 5th but on the 6th we had a brill day lol

May Day
07-06-06, 14:54
it's the 7th and we're all still here

take care all


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

Silver Stream
08-06-06, 17:28
Hey, i know its a bit late but did you know that the translation about 666 is wrong, it should actually be 616.


08-06-06, 21:26
People still worried about this number of the beast thing? Nae, ride the warhorses of righteous faith, evil will not rule this world while one good soul walks this Earth.

The world didn't end then ...

... was quite looking forward to it :).

We should have been playing Banzai - is the world going to end? Place your bets now! BANZAI! HAI!

"Where is the honour, the courage and will? The ability to smile - confined to a pill"

12-06-06, 13:32
my 45th birthday on the 6th - it's a nice date for me! (how on earth did I get to be 45 though!!!)