View Full Version : Worst year ever...hopefully next will be better!

17-12-11, 17:39
Hi! I'm new to this forum so will tell you a lil bit about my situation.

I used to suffer from severe depression and anxiety. I had a few years relief by taking fluoxetine. I came off it and felt ok for months, then everything went downhill. So that I don't spend the next few years typing, i'll put it all into a list.

- My dog died
- I was admitted into hospital after being seriously ill
- the week after my fiance was admitted into hospital
- he's been diagnosed with severe primary progressive MS and has had to start chemo (without it he'll be fully paralysed in 6 months)
- Chemo is making him very ill so we're always in hospital
- I had to leave my job
- The doctors are having to test me for cancer after lumps were found
- We got into debt and are being threatened with eviction
- I got blood poisoning twice
- We can barely afford food, gas and electricity. We've been so cold that we sleep in coats.

So really, it's no wonder that my anxiety has come back 100 times worse, and my panic attacks are unbearable.
Both Fluoxetine and Citalopram are making my panic attacks worse so,
How can I get over this anxiety??
Advice would really be appreciated as this is ruining my life and i'm finding it harder to look after my fiance.

william wallace
17-12-11, 20:41
Keep taking the pills and it will get better, you'll see. Oh and have one of these:hugs:You obviously need one. Actually I'm feeling generous tonight so have another:hugs:

17-12-11, 20:51
Keep taking the pills and it will get better, you'll see. Oh and have one of these:hugs:You obviously need one. Actually I'm feeling generous tonight so have another:hugs:

Thanks :) xx

17-12-11, 20:54
I hope the new year is a lot better to you than this year has been.
No wonder you feel the way you do, anyone in there right mind would :bighug1:
Happy 2012 :) xx

17-12-11, 21:43
its been a bad year for me, lets hope 2012 is a new start and a positive year!:)

17-12-11, 22:29
You Poor thing, Bring on 2012 I hope every-one has a happier, calmer and positive New Year!

17-12-11, 23:19
I hope things start looking up for you soon *Hugs*

17-12-11, 23:43

Cripes reading your post has made me feel all humble, here am i complaining to myself about how life sucks and there's you going through all this.. I sincerly hope 2012 brings you happiness and health x

17-12-11, 23:48
I Know right! it does make me put thing in perspective a little. Surely Things have to improve for you best wishes.

18-12-11, 00:14
Thanks for the support and best wishes being sent my way! :)

william wallace
18-12-11, 00:28
Thanks :) xx

:hugs: We Virgo's have to stick it out together.
Hope things improve for you in 2012:)