View Full Version : is this an unusual amount of food for one day?

17-12-11, 18:42
Two slices of toast with marmite+ orange

Pack of mini cheddars

Dinner- Chilli con carne +rice

after- cheese and crackers+pickled oninion

Drinks (i rarley drink alchool but i did today- about once every two weeks.)
Tea x 2, Jack Daniels and Coke, Snowball (advecote, lime, lemonade)
Strawberry and Banana smoothie.

I really fancy a mince pie and ice cream but i will feel gulity if i do. My food consumtion makes me really nervous.

17-12-11, 18:43
Sounds ok to me, have the mince pie!

17-12-11, 18:45
Thanks. I suppose its not much really when i look at it like that.
Im only 5 foot 3 and 9 stone so im getting worried :)

17-12-11, 18:50
No, that isnt excessive, 9 stone is not overweight for 5 foot 3, my ex was slightly shorter than that and weighed 9 and a half, and no way she was fat

17-12-11, 18:52
Sounds fine to me!! Treat yourself! :)

17-12-11, 19:46
Thank you.
I definetly have a bit of a tummy and my thighs.. well i hate them.
But i had a mince pie/ice cream anyway :)

17-12-11, 20:30
I just had chippy .. a massive chicken burger, chips and curry sauce.. feel a bit bloated now but happy haha

17-12-11, 20:31
Its more about the calorie content, like for the same amount of calories you could have a muffin or a plate of pasta.
also things like vanilla ice cream are rather low in calories compared to chocolate ice cream.
there are websites which help you calculate how many calories you need to lose, maintain or gain weight. So that be helpful :)
It does it based on your weight and how much activity you do in the day .
I think maybe after xmas and new years would be a good time to change your diet, as this time of year you want to drink and eat and enjoy yourself :)

17-12-11, 20:45
I just had chippy .. a massive chicken burger, chips and curry sauce.. feel a bit bloated now but happy haha" thats made me hungry! sounds yummy.
Thanks Mishel- I think what ive had today is fairly normal :)

william wallace
18-12-11, 00:49
For breakfast this morning I had muesli with low fat water. For lunch I had a sniff at the doorway of the pie shop in town. For dinner I had a look at an advertisement for Slimfast low calorie shakes. I've been doing this for over a year now and Mrs Wallace still says I'm a fat B4$t$RD:D

18-12-11, 01:28
u are not eating enough good foods though

go and see a dietician and get a plan drawn up

18-12-11, 09:00
When you say that. Do you mean what i ate yesterday would make me put on weight?
Im happy with the weight i am now- yes id like to loose some but as long as i dont put much more on im OK.
Normally I would have a dinner with a LOT of veg in but yesterday was the exception to that.

18-12-11, 10:11
Low fat water!?!?

18-12-11, 10:39
Emma, if you eat a lot of foods high in calories, and aren't active enough in the day to burn it off, then you will put on weight as fat. It isnt that complicated, your body needs a certain amount of calories to give you enough energy to function normally, if you are very active and sporty, you will burn off more calories, and need to eat more to keep up your energy, which is why a lot of sportsmen eat huge amounts each day, but dont put on any weight or get fat.

In the same way, if you don't do much in the day, then you wont need as many calories. You will still need to eat to feel full, but would need to eat healthier things that fill you up without putting on the weight, i.e. not junk food, crisps, sweets etc...

Nics idea is a good one, if you go and see a dietician they can advise on the best foods and amounts to eat to match your lifestyle so you don't end up putting on more.

18-12-11, 11:56
Ok. I was quite please with my self yesterday. what i ate did certainly not come to 2000 calories as i did not have large portions. the only thing i ate which was real rubbish was the Pack of mini cheddars i had.

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 ----------

I was at my nans yesterday and she said to me "your not eating much today" and she saw what i ate the whole day so it cant be that bad.

18-12-11, 12:04
Thats ok, but you need to match the calories to your lifestyle and metabolism, its different for everyone, so 2000 may be fine for one person, but too much for someone else, thats what a dietician can tell you

18-12-11, 12:05
I notice that for lunch you only had mini chedders? so no, that's not an excessive amount of food at all :)

18-12-11, 12:09
I know my brother is seeing a dietican as his own meds and not very active (because of phychosis) but very hungry and is putting on weight fast.
I wonder what the waiting time to see a dietcian would be. Will have to ask docs when im next there.
I calcuated what i ate yesterday and came up with a figure slightly less than 2000 which is the "average" but i didnt walk anywere yesterday- normally i walk 20/30 miuntes a day but because i was with my nan she wanted to get the bus so we did.

It just causes me great anxiety as i really dont want to look at my self and see "fat" and all the health issues that come with extra weight.
Last year i lost two stone through anxiety as i just didnt eat. I would have a huge salad/tuna or what ever baugette i wanted and there only pick at my dinner in the evening. A part of me wishes i had the will power to eat nothing/next to nothing for a month but i cant and i wont as that will make me feel ill/worse than i already do.

18-12-11, 12:30
Two slices of toast with marmite+ orange

Pack of mini cheddars

Dinner- Chilli con carne +rice

after- cheese and crackers+pickled oninion

Drinks (i rarley drink alchool but i did today- about once every two weeks.)
Tea x 2, Jack Daniels and Coke, Snowball (advecote, lime, lemonade)
Strawberry and Banana smoothie.

I really fancy a mince pie and ice cream but i will feel gulity if i do. My food consumtion makes me really nervous.

There is a very good site called Food Focus where you log in all your daily foods and it works out the total calories, carbs, proteins, fats etc. It also allows you to put in the amount of exercise you take and tells you what you should weigh for your height.

To be honest I would say looking at what you ate on that particular day you don't seem to have had much protein apart from in the Chilli Con Carne. Mini Cheddars and also cheese have quite a high saturated fat content and you don't seem to be eating 5 a day of fruit and veg or eating much fibre.

18-12-11, 12:54
Thank you. No i didnt have much protein yesterday. I had two eggs for breaky today and am trying to eat more things like fruit etc x
I had scrambled eggs on toast and am having yoguurt with fruit for lunch and proberly pasta with tuna for dinner today :)

18-12-11, 13:49
I am actually concerned that you're not eating enough. You're certainly not getting enough nutrients. You didn't have anything for lunch and since you're so tall, I'd say you need a proper breakfast, lunch and dinner.

18-12-11, 13:53
I thought that aswell.
I need to plan to eat more protein/fish (i love fish) more veg (acutally normally i have loads because i like all veggies) but i dont eat enough fruit. Just had a hanfdul of red grapes a litle while ago.
Oh im not to tall only 5 foot 3 :)

evil monkey
19-12-11, 01:32
calories in is only worth checking if calories out is less, ish. low gi food will take away the craving half an hour later for more x. As someone else has said there's also a site called fitday where you can log food and it does the numbers for you.

20-12-11, 16:54
I was only thinking about the food I eat the other day.
I am supposed to be on a healthy diet,but sometimes I wonder if I am getting it wrong.
Take today for instance.
Breafast small bowl all bran and a bottle of the yogart stuff (light) yacult

lunch (or dinner as we say in Stoke)
sandwich -tuna mayonaise
1 banana

tea later at 5pm
bacon. with fresh pasta and tinned tomatoes.
Ice cream in the evening or a bit of chocolate. I do not drink alcohol.

pkt noodles or sanwich before bed --- as i would have to come downstairs for something in the middle of the night.
I don't think I am over eating,but I cannnot for the life of me loose any weight.
I am an active person for my age

20-12-11, 17:09
I've been making an effort to not eat after my evening meal as I was finding myself snacking on Pringles and Doritos etc, not good.

My normal diet on weekdays is breakfast of porridge with blueberries, lunch is a yoghurt and a banana and dinner is something like spaghetti bolognase, sweet & sour chicken or fish with something.

I only eat chips once a week and I keep chickens in my back garden so always have a couple of fresh eggs on a Saturday with my dinner.

20-12-11, 19:23
Thanks everyone. Im trying to eat a more balanced diet x

20-12-11, 20:30
Magic, are you from stoke, I am from newcastle-under-lyme, xx (sorry to go off on one lol)

21-12-11, 14:40
Hi dancing frog
Yes I am near Newcastle. Visit there most weeks. Use Bus.
I am a older nmp member, but don' let that put you off.
love and best wishes xx

18-01-12, 23:17
Hey magic, only just checked the post, I made a thread about anyone from stoke/newcastle but don't think anyone saw it. I am not put off by age don't worry,hope you are ok xx