View Full Version : Startling?

06-06-06, 02:12
Hello -
I'm wondering if others have this. It's not one of my bigger problems, not comfortable either. I have PTSD and a lot of different emotions rolling over me frequently. But I can't always hook up a heavy startling response necessarily when I'm tense, feel paniced, fear, those type of emotions.

I didn't startle before I got PTSD or rarely but I do it so much now for awhile my children thought it was funny and would intentionally make me startle. THAT sure didn't last long tho. My point is, I predictably startle over sharp sounds like a clap, a coin hitting a table, my dog doesn't built up to barking she has a sudden explosive bark that makes me jump out of my skin. Sometimes it's little things like someone turning on a faucet, the chennel changing on the TV, or something I'm expecting like a car door being closed.

As I said it's certainly not one of my biggest problems but I am curious if people with panic attacks or PTSD have startling problems. I'm getting tired of it.


06-06-06, 17:16
Hi Meggy,

I do get that to a degree, some noises seem to pierce straight through me, I think it is where we are hypersensitive due to anxiety etc. I find when the microwave tells me its finished what its doing one of the worst noises it beeps a few times and goes right through me, its horrible. My husband doesn't find it does that to him so it must just be me.


07-06-06, 03:58
Hi Meggy,

I think all of us with anxiety issues startle easily. It comes in different degrees with me depending on the day. No-one else in my family is disturbed by it either so it is just me. Alas, I have no answers for it though.
