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View Full Version : Work worries - handed my notice in.

18-12-11, 00:51
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and couldn't find a suitable sub forum to post in, so have decided to post here, due to it being down to anxiety issues.

OK, so I have been working in stressful yet boring job for the past 8 months. I find the work boring and dire and it didn't help my anxiety and I would become anxious before work and would dread going in. I was in tears a lot before my shift started. I became very miserable.

I started looking for a new job with less stress and less hours about a month ago. The other day I had an interview with another company and was told I got the job on Thursday (day after the interview). I was so happy as you can manage.

I wrote out my notice and handed it in to my boss today. I was very nervous about doing it because I honestly didn't know what her reaction would be. I have to give a months notice so I was worried there would be bad feelings and I'm going to have to put up with it for another month before I leave. Here's the thing though:

She was shocked (which I understood) however she kept putting me on the spot and asking why I was leaving, over and over again. This was infront of the rest of the team who were eagerly listening in!! I was working myself up into a state by then & told her I had secured new employment.. she wasn't very happy with me at all after that. She seemed to indicate that I was using this job as something to do whilst looking for something better. I ended up leaving in tears (but no one saw that).

My next shift is on Monday and I'm dreading it. I work 30 hours a week and I'm so anxious. I don't want to go but I know I have to.

I know this has turned into a bit of a rant/moan but someone please cheer me up! :)

18-12-11, 01:13
I'm really sorry that you've had such a horrible time!!

I guess once your boss has calmed down about the whole situation, tell her that although you've enjoyed your time there, you feel a change is needed.
There'd be no point telling her how miserable you've been as it was just further agitate her.

If she carries on being snotty with you, just remember, you're only there for a few more weeks!! *hugs* xxx

18-12-11, 07:30
They dont own you. Its your decision who you work for. Well done on getting a new job and I hope it works out well.

18-12-11, 11:02
Hi Sam,
Firstly congratulations on your new job! Take it as a compliment that your boss is not happy about you leaving as although you don't enjoy working there, you must be very good at what you do.
I would look at your months notice in a positive way, the same way as you count down to Christmas you get more excited the closer it gets (I am starting to sound like a child now!). Make it clear to your boss that you have to look after your interests first and foremost and although you have gained valuable experience (which you have e.g. Never to work there again) you feel your move will help your career moving forward.
Hold your head up high and be positive! Good luck x