View Full Version : I'm looking for group councelling...

06-06-06, 09:46
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to those who gave some replies after my first posting yesterday. I have found great comfort in reading some of the forum posts that are on here, I can;t believe I've lived with health anxiety all my life and didn't realise there was an amazing space such as this to share some of my thoughts, worries and anxieties etc. Anyway, I start with a one on one therapist this evening which I'm really looking forward too. I came off Cipramil at Chrristmas after 2 anxiety free years, but now have all the old demons flooding back into my head, so this really is time to zap them once and for all. I made mistake of thinking I was all sorted when I was on meds, but the truth is I was simply masking the issues that I had and not dealing with them responsibly. So, now its no meds, but full on therapy to try and take a more intellectual approach to this thing called health anxiety. The resaon I'm posting today is cos i read a few of your messages which said you attended group therapy sessions and I just wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction of a groupd session / organisation that I could go to in central London which is where I live. If anyone could help I'd be extremely grateful. x

07-06-06, 13:07

Have you tried asking your doctor?

I did and he referred me to the doctors surgery health issue nurse who then referred me to a adult group center where I could meet and talk to people who suffer with health anxiety.

It's worth a try?
