View Full Version : Can't think straight!

18-12-11, 09:15
Hey was wondering of anyone else gets it where they just can't think straight about anything? Like your head is foggy? I just can't think clearly and it's driving me mad! Normally I'm quite a vocal person too but I just don't feel like speaking! I'm really really worried its something serious! :( please help xx

---------- Post added at 09:15 ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 ----------

I feel really out of touch with reality/detatched and I'm scared that I'm going insane and that no one will know or be able to help me, I just feel lik curling up, I normally spend loads of time with my family but I just don't feel like being around people, what's wrong with me!? This is so scary!! :( :(

18-12-11, 09:15
Yes, yes and yes ! (not now but in the past when I had terrible anxiety problems) It felt like I didn't have words in there to come out and saying anything felt almost painful, as if I was having to drag every word out of my head/mouth and make my brain concentrate on each and every one. At my worst point I lay of on a bed, closed my eyes and lay there without speaking or moving for 3 days !

I have read many of your posts on here panicliss and I could have written them myself 20 or so years ago ! I empathise with you as I know how awful you are feeling. It won't be forever :winks: I live a really full, happy life which I never would have imagined I would have coped with years ago; I work in education, am a carer for my disabled parent, run a home and family with many pets, have various creative hobbies, think nothing of going out socially anywhere on my own, drive anywhere and everywhere, generally have a flippin whale of a time. I bet you will be the same, just at the moment you are in the grips of fear.

18-12-11, 09:21
It's awful and it has to be the WORST part about anxiety!! (if it's that) I'm just so worried in going insane or losing my mind or that this is the symptom of a serious condition! I'm worried sonething bad will happen! It's awful! :( :( its not good that you've been through it but so comforting to know I'm not alone, thankyou :) xxx

18-12-11, 09:27
Trust me, the 'you' you know is still there, intact, it is just being masked by the anxiety. There is no insanity, you will not 'lose your mind', it just CAN'T happen. I know it feels that way, and it is terrifying, but you have to stop fearing that it will happen. As soon as you lose some of the fear, and see your symptoms as 'nothing more than' crippling anxiety that other people have had, and will have, you can start recovering.

I have been hospitalised a couple of times from anxiety for the first time in my late teenage years and some years after that...but....I am now in my 40's and besides the odd wobbly moment (which I accept will always happen to me) I am good. There is hope, huge hope !

18-12-11, 09:36
Yeah youre right it is still there a teeny tiny bit but I want all of me there and thankyou :) talking to you makes me feel so much better :) your story sounds the same as my mums, she still gets it now but at a manageable level, she gets wobbles but she's coping :) do you mind me asking what you were hospitalised for? I am getting a lot better than what I was because a few weeks/months ago something like this would stop me functioning completely but I'm still carrying on which is sonething :) its just so hard to not be scared, I do feel so much better after talking to you, thankyou xxx

18-12-11, 10:30
I was hospitalised (voluntarily) because my anxiety had become so awful and I was also depressed and totally unable to function. You name the symptom, and I can bet I had it LOL ! The second time I was hospitalised for puerperal psychosis, anxiety and depression (following giving birth).

---------- Post added at 10:30 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------

Yeah youre right it is still there a teeny tiny bit but I want all of me there

I know, you want to be back to feeling alright, of course you do. What I was trying to explain was that 'YOU' is still all there, it isn't damaged or changed...it is just hidden. It will all come flooding back, when the anxiety has subsided. :D

After my first hospitalisation I went on to become a teacher, get married, have a home and family.....things I could not have imagined when I had the cripppling anxiety. I don't know how old you are now, but I am guessing you are fairly young ?

18-12-11, 13:12
i get this too, its such a horrible feeling

18-12-11, 13:30
Must of been awful for you, my mum had anxiety and depression after giving birth to my brother, your story sounds so similar to hers! I have had anxiety once before and they wanted to admit me then, but my mum said shed look after me instead And thankyou :) I hope so, I have just been to visit my uncle, had so muh anxiety and I feel so exhausted now but I did it an it helped to keep busy, even if I am so tired ! Haha :) and wow you've done amazing, you should be so proud, I hope I have a success story like yours :) I'm 19, this is the second time I've suffered this, I had my 1st lot of anxiety at 15 xx

18-12-11, 14:32
I do sound like your Mum don't I (I've reached that age) :roflmao:- such a similar story. I first started with anxiety problems at 12 years old, my Mum too had suffered panic attacks etc. I was therefore exactly the same age as you when I was admitted !

You have done well today, every small step you make is part of recovering. I don't ever expect to be entirely free of some of the 'minor blips', but they don't affect me particularly now and they never become out of control anxiety. That's the great thing panicliss, the further you get along in understanding how you and your body react, the easier it becomes to find coping strategies. So, to look at it positively, every single time you have anxiety symptoms you are learning and will come out stronger.

Thank you for your kind words; I am proud :blush: because it does take considerable strength and effort to find a way through years of mental health problems....BUT....you will be proud of yourself too in the same way. I am SURE of it ! If you ever need a chat, feel free to PM me.

Take Care

18-12-11, 20:05
Paniclissx (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=40758)

I don't know if this is anything like your situation, but when I'm at work and have plenty to do, I just sit there because I don't know where to start. Then I start to wind myself up for not getting to grips with it and running behind. Even when not at work some things that require fairly simple decisions stump me. I find it a lot easier to put off making the decision until another time, which winds me up again for being 'weak'. I had this before taking Citalopram, but sometimes think the medication can be partly to blame. You're definately not on your own.

02-01-16, 22:42
Yeah - I have this too.

03-01-16, 03:54
I have this too when my anxiety is bad, as it is at the moment. Can't focus on anything. Feel like I'm not on the planet and am losing my mind, which I have been assured I am not. You won't be either. Are you on any treatment for your anxiety?