View Full Version : What a mess

18-12-11, 09:26
I suffer from panic attacks and constant anxiety.
Works party last Thursday - everone had way too much beer - dancing with stranger in street, both fell over, he banged his face. Colleague says it's nothing to worry about,all was OK. Since then have been in constant panic. What if I hurt him, what if he goes to police, I will lose my job, home, wife, children. can't sleep, imagine police smashing down door in raid. In bits, considering going to Police to hand myself in - but what for? What can I do? Can't eat, constant worry and repeated atacks.

18-12-11, 10:41
He was drunk and fell over, it happens all the time, you didn't assault him so you have nothing to worry about. Chances are he woke up the next morning with a hangover and can't ever remember why his face is sore !

18-12-11, 11:39
not your fault, it happens, he will accept it was just the booze and you both fell.