View Full Version : Help.. blood in phlegm

18-12-11, 12:24

I've not been here for a while and I've been in a good place but things are getting on top of me again.

Over the past few days I've had flecks of blood in my phlegm, my phlegm is clear, I don't have a cough, my chest is completely clear but I have had a bit of a nose bleed on and off for a week when I blow my nose. At first I accepted it was coming from my nose but then started making myself do a chesty cough and still there were small flecks of blood! Now panicking -I'm 35 and used to smoke but these days I'm health conscious and do lots of excercise, I have done running in the past few days and felt ok - would I be able to do that if I had the big C??

As usual the timing of my panic could not be worse, I have a job interview tomorrow morning and need to be focused.

Can anyone help talk me down...

18-12-11, 12:30
It's very possible you burst a vessel in your throat when you were forcing out the chesty cough which would result in the tiny amount of blood.

As long as it's not buckets of blood i really don't think you have anything to worry about

However, i am not a doctor and i recommend you see your GP to be on the safe side if the problem persists.

18-12-11, 14:20
Thanks for replying

It's one of those symptoms that screams "it must be serious", it's not vague like some of the symptoms I've had in the past. My gut feeling is that I'm fit and healthy and if it was anything serious I wouldn't present that way - but then theres the niggling doubt, worry and the cycle starts again.

18-12-11, 22:04
I was coughing up blood a few weeks ago and it turns out i have pneumonia.

Believe me, you would absolutely know if it was something serious or you would certainly have other symptoms with it!

Because you are an ex smoker, it's always worth a trip to the doctors if it's causing you that much distress, but like i said unless you are coughing up a lot of blood on a regular basis, it could just be one of those things!

18-12-11, 22:18
I had this about 8 years ago, I sneezed and blood was in my hand, I freaked and kept bringing up flem to check, I did it for weeks, even made myself sick to check that! I was obsessed, but one day I stopped and it was hard but it never happened again, because I never did it, i guess if it was real your body would naturally need to do it, I think I burst a blood vessel.
Try not and it needed time to heal.
Leanne xxx