View Full Version : Have the doctors diagnosed me properly?

18-12-11, 16:10
Hey http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

I'm a 27 year old female who although has suffered from frequent urination for most of my life (apparently an overactive bladder), for the past five months I've been suffering with symptoms (http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/topic/148295-are-the-doctors-right-about-my-condition/#) of gas, pelvic pressure, tenderness in my abdomen, soft stools, a feeling of not emptying myself and constipation. I've recently been to the doctors after harassing them over and over with the same symptoms and now they say it's probably IBS and won't send me for any more tests.

I had my baby 10 weeks ago but from the beginning of the third trimester I suffered from horrible diarrhea that left me going 6-7 times a day sometimes. I also have acid reflux which started from around the same time. After giving birth I obviously didn't have a bowel movement for a few days, but then after getting home and starting antibiotics and iron tablets, I got the searing flactulence that made me always feel gassy and like I had some wind trapped in my rectum (no other way of describing it - I just couldn't stop that feeling). When I went it was soft (not watery) and came out in pieces (sorry if tmi) but I usually had the sensation of not emptying myself. After coming off the antibiotic and stopping stool softener and iron tablets, I hoped for an improvement but to no avail. I do go less than the 6-7 times I went in pregnancy, but now I can sometimes go to a max of four times a day.

The other day I went to the doctors again complaining of the sensation of not emptying my bowels but still going four times a day and she gave an internal (with gloves) and said I had pellets and constipation even though I was still going soft stool, and told me sometimes it happens. I was prescribed Senna but I only took it one night because the next day I felt like my bowels were on fire as I ended up going four-five times and wasn't happy. So I left that and instead concentrated on changing my diet (http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/topic/148295-are-the-doctors-right-about-my-condition/#).

Now I've done this, the last few days I've felt like occasionally I don't have the desire to go all the time, but I've also stopped going so much and the last few days I've gone either once or twice a day. I feel constipated sometimes but there's nothing I can do, and I suppose it's better than the going too often?

I have external hemmorhoids too, so you can imagine how it feels to keep having to wipe, they get sore and painful from time to time.

What I want to know is are these definitely typical symptoms for IBS? I feel the pressure in my pelvis and alot more in my rectum, and sometimes my abdomen gets sore in one place but then I get tenderness in a different place the next day. I find that my abdomen feels sore when pressed in specific places (especially just above my bellybutton on both sides.) What concerns me is I feel alot of pressure or weirdness on my perenium when I feel that need to go or feel constipated. I don't know whether this is because my pelvic floor is a little lax after giving birth or it's generally something felt with IBS symptoms. I'm concerned it's something else but trying not to worry my head over it too much. I don't seem to have any blood in stools (I think I would notice if I did?) although I've noticed red spots from time to time which I've put down to food (http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/topic/148295-are-the-doctors-right-about-my-condition/#) or my hemmorhoids or something. It's usually only like one spot of red coloured jelly looking stuff and I don't have any blood in the toilet water or in the mucus.. I've also been told that any severe bleeding would be black and sticky and any fresh (http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/topic/148295-are-the-doctors-right-about-my-condition/#) bleeding would be in the water usually..

I got tested for colitis via blood test during my third trimester when all this was starting and it came back negative. (My brother suffers from it).

Just looking for reassurance that these are normal IBS symptoms really.. doctors dont seem bothered. I've been prescribed colofac (mebeverine) 135mg tablets three times a day. I've only taken one this morning and it hasn't made a difference yet, how long til I may notice a difference and how does it help? Thanks!

18-12-11, 17:07
Yes, sounds like IBS. Sometimes it is specific foods. Also check for lactose intolerance.

23-12-11, 18:42
Hi LuSmith, Colofac can sometimes take up to 3 days to work, the symptoms that you describe are very similar to what I suffer with when my IBS flares up (I have suffered with it on and off for about 11 years), I have a severe anxiety problem and different physical problems seem to pop up from time to time, IBS being one of them. The first time I was prescribed Colofac I convinced myself that they wouldn't work and that the Dr had got it wrong but after the 3rd day of taking them the relief was great. I hope you start to feel better soon.

05-01-12, 00:25
Thanks! I actually don't take them that often as lately the problem seems to only be every so often.. I'm doing a little better than I was :) I think sticking to certain foods has helped and not eating so much.